Custom Angel Caller

Sterling silver

Angel caller, personalized in sterling silver. Every time the baby moves, the angel calls sounds harmoniously around him and his guardian angel comes to caress and snuggle him.

You can choose to display a name and surnames, or two surnames, or a drawing, or a drawing for each face, and the background: little stars, hearts, rounds... With polished motifs on a darkened background or vice versa: darkened motifs engraved on a polished background...Tell me how you imagine your angel caller and before making it I will send you a sketch for you to confirm.

Elaboration: 15 working days. Shipping: 1-3 business days. If you're in a hurry, I try to speed it up.

You can choose with a silver ring (to put the chain you want on it) or with a chain included (80cm sterling silver chain, rolo type).

Handcrafted 100% sterling silver.

MeriTomasa exclusive packaging included + International Shipments with DHL.

And if you like it but would prefer it with some changes... please tell me and we will talk about it :)

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  • Silver ring
  • Silver chain

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Data sheet

CollectionUnique piece
CategoryBaby jewelry
MaterialSterling silver

More info

What is an angel caller?

Girl with angel, by Paul-Alfred de CurzonGirl with angel, by Paul-Alfred de Curzon.

An angel caller is a pendant sphere, in sterling silver, which contains within it a silver ball or a precious stone, which emits a subtle and harmonious sound when shaken, like bells.

That soft clink is different in each sphere and serves to warn the guardian angel of the owner of the flame angels, who in this way can invoke him when he needs his protection or, simply, that the guardian angel comes to caress it and snuggle it up at night.

It is a typical jewel in many countries, from Bali (Indonesia) to Mexico, both in ancient cultures (such as the Mayans) and more recently in the Christian tradition. In all these cultures it acts as an amulet to contact divinities or kind spirits of the beyond, who protect the owner of the angel caller.

The angel caller is worn around the neck like a pendant. It can also be placed on a door, so that when it opens and closes we cause it to move and ring, or in the crib, so that the baby can make it sound whenever he needs his guardian angel.

Its use is very common during pregnancy. The mother uses it with a long chain, about 70cm, so that the caller is at the height of the baby. Babies begin to hear the sounds of the outside world at 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Thus, every time the mother moves, the baby hears the tinkling of the angel flame and when that same sound is born it will serve to calm him, since it reminds him of the warmth of the mother's womb and the invisible presence of his mother.

During pregnancy, the angel flame serves to protect mother and child. Of course, when the baby is born, the mother must decide whether to give it to the child or keep it, since each angel flame can protect only one person, according to legend...

The legend of the angel callers

The Adam and Eve by Lucas Cranach , 1526The Adam and Eve by Lucas Cranach, 1526

There are many legends about the origin of angel callers. In the Christian tradition it is related to the original sin of Adam and Eve:

Thousands of years ago, humans lived in direct contact with their Guide Angels or Guardian Angels, but when Adam and Eve bit the apple of Original Sin they had to leave Paradise and stopped live together with them.

The angels, saddened by the loss of the company of humans, the beings they loved the most, gave them some spherical pendants of pure silver that, when shaken, sounded like bells, and explained that if they felt in danger, unprotected or simply sad, they only needed to shake the sphere and the guardian angel of each one would come to their aid or company.

The angels set a single condition: the pendant would be for exclusive and personal use, since they all had their own sound and recognizable by each Guide Angel -Guardian Angel-, and this angel cannot be "borrowed" to another person. If this condition is contravened, the magic and protection of the sphere will disappear.

They also explained to the humans that the same pendant could be used by a mother and her baby while it is inside her mother's womb, since, in that state, they both share a Guide Angel. Once the baby had seen the light, the mother had to decide if the pendant was used for her protection or that of her newborn child.

How does it work?

It's very easy! To place your order you simply have to tell me how you want your angel caller to be. You can choose to display a name and surname (you can include accents), or two surnames, or a drawing, or a drawing for each face, and also what you want to add in the background: little stars, hearts, rounds... Tell me how do you want your angel caller to be and before making it I will send you a sketch for you to confirm.

You can also choose with a silver ring (to put the chain you want on it) or with a chain included (80cm sterling silver chain, rolo type).

The manufacturing times are approximate: if you are in a hurry, tell me and I will try to expedite it.

About the MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory

The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory is specialized in custom jewelery tailored to suit all tastes and budgets: wedding rings, headbands, earrings, pendants, brooches, bracelets, rings, tiaras... My value proposition is to create products where it is you who decides the shape, materials, finishes... That you can be part of the manufacturing process and thus begin to fill the object with something more sensitive than the lavishness that metal brings. It is a more intimate, romantic, exclusive and quality work.

And if you like it but would prefer it with some changes... please tell me and we will talk about it :)


    4 Review(s) with an average of 5 over 5

Crida àngels per a la Bruna

Ens ha encantat el crida àngels per a la Bruna, ha estat exactament el què esperàvem, es nota la deficació i amor en cada peça que fas, convertint-les en petits grans tresors.


    Un perfecto tesoro

    El llamador es genial, el nivel de detalle es perfecto y como siempre el trato con Meri exquisito. No solo nuestras alianzas de boda tienen su sello sino este llamador. En muy poco tiempo conseguimos ponernos de acuerdo con el diseño y Mari supo plasmar de la mejor forma los deseos que queria plasmar en este llamador.

    Un 11 para Meri


      El regalo por excelencia para una futura mamá

      Estamos encantados con el llamador, a mi mujer le hizo mucha ilusión y a mí se me cae la baba cada vez que lo lleva puesto. Encontré la página de Meri después de varios días rebuscando un llamador especial y que se alejara del estilo "barroco y místico" de todo lo que había visto. La idea me encantó, el diseño también y que fuera personalizado todavía más. El resultado no habría podido ser mejor: una pieza única, a un precio razonable y con una atención al detalle exquisita. Gracias Meri!


        Molt més que un regal

        Vaig ser l'afortunada de portar aquesta Crida d'àngels! Les estrelles i llunes al voltant dels cognoms escrits fent-li la volta la fan una joia única, està realitzada amb molta precisió i detall, només les mans de la Meri poden fer peces així... Una regal sense preu que espero que pugui portar l'Edna quan ja sigui gran ; )

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          Custom Angel Caller

          Custom Angel Caller

          Angel caller, personalized in sterling silver. Every time the baby moves, the angel calls sounds harmoniously around him and his guardian angel comes to caress and snuggle him.

          You can choose to display a name and surnames, or two surnames, or a drawing, or a drawing for each face, and the background: little stars, hearts, rounds... With polished motifs on a darkened background or vice versa: darkened motifs engraved on a polished background...Tell me how you imagine your angel caller and before making it I will send you a sketch for you to confirm.

          Elaboration: 15 working days. Shipping: 1-3 business days. If you're in a hurry, I try to speed it up.

          You can choose with a silver ring (to put the chain you want on it) or with a chain included (80cm sterling silver chain, rolo type).

          Handcrafted 100% sterling silver.

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