New jewelry with your old gold

New jewelry with your old gold

Very often on you ask me if I can melt down your old jewels (recover your gold) and transform them into new treasures. Anything is possible at The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory! In this video I tell you the best tips. If you want more information, contact me at I hope you find it interesting ❤️

Video by Maria Vizcaíno Bueno


Today I am going to tell you how we can recover your old gold jewelry to transform it into new treasures.

In this video we turn a lot of old jewelry in three new Atlantis rings.

The first thing you have to know is that getting your gold back is worth money.

It's like when you have a space at home in which you want to do some improvements: yes, you have real estate that has great value, but doing work on it also has a cost.

The price of a gram of gold is very high and therefore a jewelry workshop is designed to collect all the filings and not lose a bit of gold. That is why it is very important not to mix gold of different quality, because if gold that is not 18-carat enters my jewelry table, it will end up mixing with 18-carat gold filings and with that the mix will be altered and my gold will no longer be of law. It would become a gold of lower purity and unfit for brittle work in the workshop and illicit and illegal for my jewelry.

So to recover your gold we have three options:

  • One: You sell your gold in a gold-buy and with that money you entrust me with the treasure that you like the most.
  • Two: you send me your gold and I send it to the laboratory and they return it to me certified.
  • Three: you send me your gold and I will found it. That means I close my workshop, clean everything up, work exclusively with your gold, clean again, and move on with more work.

I always recommend the first or the second option, but well... I am a romantic in my profession and I perfectly understand that there are pieces that have sentimental value but that you don't like and for that reason you want to give them a new life but with that same gold.

Ah! And you have to take into account that there is loss: gold that is lost along the way. If you want a new treasure of 13 grams, you can't bring me 13 grams: I need more because the tips of the ingot cannot be used because we model and we are losing fines, and because there is always a 10% loss. As you can see, all the filings are collected, they are melted down again and in this case there is not 10%, but there is 8% loss.

And here are your three new Atlantean rings, plus the small piece of filament that has been left over, and that 8% loss.

Thank you very much for listening to me. If you have any questions, contact me at See you on the next video!

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    • Avatar
      oct 20, 2023

      Muy interesante toda la información que das. Quería hacerte una pregunta: Cuando se graba el interior de una alianza (con lo típico, una fecha, un nombre) ¿También se pierde oro? Muchas gracias de antemano.

      • Avatar
        oct 21, 2023

        Sí: al hacer una inscripción interior en una pieza generas un pequeño surco que implica rebajar el oro, aunque será una variación de peso muy pequeña. Entre otras muchas cosas, ese grabado genera la limalla que explico en el post.

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      Oscar Alonso Riera
      feb 21, 2024

      Buenas, he encontrado este artículo y más o menos siempre se pierde como mucho un 10%, que se puede hacer cuando llevas un collar de 27gr y te hacen dos anillos de 9gr y dicen que se ha perdido otros 9gr, una merma del 33,3% es algo excesivo, no?.

      • Avatar
        feb 24, 2024

        ¡Hola Oscar! Entiendo tu preocupación. Es posible que factores como que el collar sea hueco y haya acumulado suciedad, o incluso si no es hueco pero tiene recovecos, estos podrían haber retenido suciedad o grasa corporal, lo que contribuye al peso inicial y desaparece al fundir. También es válido considerar la posibilidad de piezas con núcleos de material diferente cubiertos de oro (como en el proceso de electroforming utilizado por empresas como Tous), donde al quemarse el material base, plástico, el lingote resultante pesa muuuuuucho menos. En cualquier caso, sería recomendable abordar esta inquietud directamente con el fabricante, ya que sin ver la pieza en cuestión, es preferible no hacer suposiciones sobre el proceso de fabricación de otros ;). ¡Gracias por compartir tu experiencia!

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      ene 28, 2025

      I absolutely love the idea of re-using the gold as you describe in the article, but so far we haven't received an order where the customer would like their gold to be used for the jewelry creation. Until now! A customer contacted us that would like to use their 18k gold rings as the base for new rings to be made. This is how I found your article when looking for advice on what exactly to do. Thank you so much for your article, keep up the good work and hope to see more from you soon!

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        feb 1, 2025

        Thanks Aurelius for your feedback. Nice to know about you too!

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