Atlantis Ring in Chile and Argentina

Atlantis Ring in Chile and Argentina

Santiago de Chile, the Chilean capital, and Buenos Aires, in Argentina, are the two favorite destinations for my Atlantis rings in the Southern Cone. But I have also sent some of my best treasures to Córdoba, in Argentina, and to La Serena, Victoria, Antofagasta, La Ligua, Curicó and Quilpué in Chile.

Every time I send one of my pieces of jewelry from The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory, I put a needle on the world map that I have in my workshop. I made my first sale in Chile in 2019. In 2020 there were 2 more. In 2021 3 more arrived. In 2022 there were 2 more in Chile and 3 in Argentina. And so far in 2023 there are 2 more in Chile... and Edgardo is to blame for everything :-)

Edgardo wrote me up to 5 times between the months of June and September 2018 asking me if he could ship one of my Atlantis rings to Santiago de Chile. At that moment, a world came to me. I had never sold outside of Spain and I didn't know where to start... but wanting is power and at the end of 2019 I was already selling with DHL in a good handful of countries, including Chile. Thank you very much Edgardo!

Edgardo wrote me up to 5 times between the months of June and September 2018 asking me if he could ship one of my Atlantis rings to Santiago de Chile. At that moment, a world came to me. I had never sold outside of Spain and I didn't know where to start, and I also had quite a few orders in Spain, so I didn't have time to investigate. But wanting is power, and Edgardo's insistence flattered me greatly. For a small artisan jewelry workshop, it is a compliment to be asked for a piece from the other end of the world, so I looked for a way and at the end of 2019 I was already selling with DHL in a good handful of countries, including Chile. Thank you very much Edgardo!

Today I sell quite a few Atlantean rings, and other treasures, in other countries. Atlantis Rings in the USA, Atlantis Rings in Mexico and also in Chile and Argentina, and of course in Spain and Europe, and some more in other latitudes, such as Singapore or Japan, or Australia. For a very humble artisan jewelry such as The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory is a great compliment. A gift every time I see a new sale through my website and added motivation to continue working to offer the best Atlantis ring in the world, faithful to sacred geometry and the golden ratio, with artisanal elaboration the best reviews ever counted on my website and near to 160 5-star reviews on Google and boasted by the best fingers of the 5 continents :)

...and as a sample, a button. Here are two reviews from my clients from Chile and Argentina:

Rodrigo Olmedo Tapia (Santiago de Chile) 20/04/2021

Todo y mejor de lo que esperaba

El anillo es maravilloso es todo y mejor de lo que esperaba te felicito y agradezco toda tu dedicación puesta en el anillo, mil gracias.

Alejandro Paniagua (Santiago de Chile) 06/04/2021

Incluyendo la magia...

Excelente producto, cumple a cabalidad lo prometido, incluyendo la magia.

Rodrigo Brito (Santiago de Chile) 16/10/2020

Gracias Meri! Eres un angel

Después de mucho buscar, comparar, y analizar sobresale tu nombre por sobre el resto. Creo que los que llegamos hasta tu web y quedamos atrapados en los detalles de formas y simetría, obtenidos por tus precisión. Pensamos llegara a mis manos la misma creación? Y yo puedo dar fe que sí, desde el momento de abrir la cajita que lo contenia fue esa primera impresión que me cautivo.

Meri eres TOP en lo que haces mis felicitaciones a mi, por haberte escojido, desde Chile un abrazo.

Paola Centurión (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 10/11/2022 (Collar Tetragrámmaton Oro, Plata y Cobre)

Llegó y es mas hermosa de lo que pensaba!!

Te encontre en realidad buscando informacion sobre este tema para tener un dije especial que me protegiera! Y todo me parcia feo y ademas de plata. Un amigo mio que sabe un poco de estas cuestiones me dijo que dicho eije debia tener bronce si o si y si otros metales mejor! Y fuiste la unica que encontre que los hacia asi. Ademas tan claros los simbolos! Ojala vivieras en argentina. Importar es caro pero la queria si o si.
Besos y muchas gracias recibi mi tesoro y es eso una pieza única. Tenes que mandar tus tesoros a la historia de insta!!.

Among all my collections, I mainly sell my Atlantean Rings (which are the black needles on the map), but also travel to all over the world other collections as my Chakana, Asclepius, Band-aids, Estelada and Tetragrammaton (which are the colored needles).

In the next post, I will tell you about the Atlanteans that I have sent to Catalonia and Spain, which are my main markets. But first I am going to put that needle that I am missing on my world map, which is for you who read these lines from the south of the American continent :-)

Online sales at, with international shipments with DHL to Chile, Argentina... or any other country in the world :)

The Atlantis rings are my best-selling treasure. I offer you a long string of models that share the same design, based on the golden ratio. The only thing that changes is the precious metal or metals with which I make each ring and the meaning or use that the ring has with each of those metals.

You can buy online on my website, with DHL shipping to Chile, Argentina and the rest of the world:

Atlantis Ring in Silver
Atlantis Ring in Silver
: the classic design of the Atlantis Ring, made only in sterling silver: your Atlantis Ring at a much more accessible cost.
€ 119

Atlantis Ring in Gold, Silver and Copper
Atlantis Ring in Gold, Silver and Copper
: the purest version: fans of personal growth, Reiki or esotericism or of the Ring as a talisman or energies channeler.
From € 295

Atlantis Ring in Gold, Silver and Rose Gold
Atlantis Ring in Gold, Silver and Rose Gold
: Do you like the three metal Atlantean but are you worried that the copper could rust? The solution: swap copper for rose gold.
From € 445

Atlantis Ring in Gold and Silver
Atlantis Ring in Gold and Silver
: Ideal as a wedding band for lovers of good energies: best-selling model as wedding rings. Between the jewel and the talisman.
From € 595

Atlantis Ring in Rose Gold and Silver
Atlantis Ring in Rose Gold and Silver
: identical to the Atlantis in gold and silver. Just change the gold color. Ideal weddings: yellow for him, rose for her. Or rose for them :-)
From € 595

Atlantis Ring in Gold
Atlantis Ring in Gold
: fans of the most exclusive jewelery: energetic, durable and allergy-proof. Wedding rings, jewel to show off or personal energy channeler.
From € 1.145

Atlantis Ring in Rose Gold
Atlantis Ring in Rose Gold
: if the yellow gold version is Premium Imperator, this is the version for forest fairies, due to the reddish and Venusian charm of rose gold.
From € 1.145

Atlantis Ring in Three Golds
Atlantis Ring in Three Golds
: Solid 18kt gold. The difference is that the Luxor wave bands are made of yellow, white and rose gold. The more exclusive version of the Atlantis Ring.
From € 1.245

Atlantis Ring in Copper
Atlantis Ring in Copper
: Only for very very fans of copper: I do not recommend it because the oxidation of the copper can darken the ring and leave your skin with a green tint.
€ 119

Atlantis Wedding Rings
Atlantis Wedding Rings
: for couples full of good energies: turn your wedding bands into two Atlantis talismans to guide your personal growth and that of your partner.
From € 238

In this video I explain how I make the Atlantis ring model with the most sales in Chile and Argentina: the version made 100% in sterling silver:

And you, have you already chosen your MeriTomasa's Atlantis Ring :-)?

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