The new MeriTomasa boxes have arrived!
After searching and searching... touching and looking... thinking and rethinking what kind of boxes you would like more.... I was on the verge of deciding on biodegradable plastic, white, simple and very clean. But! On second thought and considering the valuable things they are going to contain, I looked for something a little more formal. So here are these fabulous two-color boxes! Lined with patterned paper and a perfect finish! Inside, double foam: the lower one to hold the jewel, the upper one to cover it and protect it from rubbing against the lid. And of course.... With the MeriTomasa cliche!
And of course in different sizes to adapt to all the treasures you can imagine!
To see and touch them better, don't hesitate to place your order! Right now it is a great opportunity because we are on gift dates! Gifts for others and gifts for ourselves. We also deserve a little treat from time to time!!!!
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