From August 15 to 20 at La Santa Market in Santa Cristina d'Aro (Costa Brava)

From August 15 to 20 at La Santa Market in Santa Cristina d'Aro (Costa Brava)

La Santa Market is presented as the trend market of the Costa Brava. Boho chic, hedonistic and passionate, La Santa proposes a cocktail of shopping, shows, gastronomy and sunsets to remember at Santa Cristina Horse Club.

From 6pm to 1am in the morning, with free admission and a parking area. From dusk until after midnight, if you come to La Santa you can combine your shopping with recreational activities: children's and adult workshops, food trucks, showcookings, dj's sessions during all opening hours and a varied schedule of concerts, dj's and children's activities.

MeriTomasa repeats paradita (I was in July, and I liked it!) Under the tents in the Boho Market area, from Tuesday 15 to Sunday 20 August. It was not easy: La Santa selects its participants according to criteria of quality, innovation, sustainability, ecology and creativity. I am very happy to have passed the casting :-)

At my mobile store I carry some of the jewels that you will find on my website, such as the new collection of French claws Illusions. And if you want a personalized one we can chat for a while so that you can tell me how you want it and I will tell you how we can do it

MeriTomasa's mobile store at La Santa Market MeriTomasa's mobile store at La Santa Market MeriTomasa's mobile store at La Santa Market, under the sky of light bulbs

See you there?

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      jul 23, 2017

      Hola Meri! Sóc la Paula, ens vam conèixer aquest juliol a La Santa. Portaràs a l'agost la col·lecció Il·lusions? Et vaig comprar unes arracades i un anell i la mare i la tieta m'han encarregat que els hi compri per elles també :)

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        jul 23, 2017

        Me'n recordo que vas venir amb una nena petita, oi? Per l'agost porto la col·lecció Il·lusions sencera, per triar i remenar: arracades, anells i collarets. I si no volen esperar fins el dia 15 ja saps que també els podeu encarregar online i us els envio a casa. Aquí podeu veure tots els models i personalitzar els colors:

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