MeriTomasa in the Llotja del Disseny de Granollers, Saturday September 16

MeriTomasa in the Llotja del Disseny de Granollers, Saturday September 16

On Saturday September 16 I repeat a stop at Llotja del Disseny, the independent designers market of Granollers, from 10:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., in Plaça de la Porxada, with free admission, hipster friendly, ideal instagramers, recommended for little girls looking for a little detail for their nieces and essential for design lovers and all the cute people, and with a concert included from 8pm to 9pm.

The formula for the Llotja del Disseny is: one Saturday a month, outdoors in Plaça de la Porxada, a market for independent designers + foodies + workshops for children and adults + concerts and jam sessions. More lovely impossible!

I was in the May edition and I had a great time (below I paste two photos that prove it).

And what does the MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory in a thematic edition focused on home design? Very easy: I take care of decorating the living things with two legs that run through your house, the office, the parents' house, the doghouse (I still don't make jewelry for pets, but you can talk about everything) or the place that you like :-)

At my mobile store you will find some of the jewels you will find on my website, in sterling silver and kilometer zero, designed and modeled in my workshop in Manresa. Like the collection of French claws Illusions, or the Band-Aids, or Snowflake... From the purity of Minimal to the beasts, chickens and aliens of Muajaja. And a lot of other jewelry out of collection or that I have not yet had time to publish on the web, but so you know them first live. And if you want a personalized jewel we can chat for a while so that you can tell me how you want it and I will tell you how we can make it.

MeriTomasa, Llotja del Disseny de Granollers MeriTomasa, Llotja del Disseny de Granollers
Meri Tomasa, in good company in the 1st photo and with an angelic smile in the 2nd

Essential for lovely people!

See you there?

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      Ferran Viñas
      ago 28, 2017

      Els tens "enamoraos", Meri! podem et venim a veure amb la Virgínia i les nenes. Molta sort al market, artista!

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        sep 5, 2017

        Hola Ferran!!! Enamorats estem tots d'aquest market. A veure si us podeu escapar perquè us asseguro que us agradarà. I quines ganes de veure-us!!!! Gràcies macus, ens veiem al Festival del Disseny!!!!

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      ene 25, 2022

      Bondia. Som una petita empresa de productes naturals i ens encantaría posar una paradeta a la fira em podeu facilitar contacte i info plis. Moltes gracies!

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        ene 28, 2022

        Hola KElly! Trobaràs tota la info sobre La Llotja en el seu web, a Jo ara hi vaig poc perquè no m'arriben les hores, però per mi ha sigut una experiència súper i híper positiva. 1001% recomanada!

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