The fashion of discreet alliances: I have not been here... and you have not seen me!

The fashion of discreet alliances: I have not been here... and you have not seen me!

There are those who cannot imagine a jewel without a heart-stopping gem and the ostentatious yellow of solid gold. To compensate the universe, God invented the discreet. A fearsome lineage: every time a discreet knock on the door of my workshop... I tremble!

Wedding rings are one of the specialties of The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory. It is very grateful to work with these small treasures in order to reveal in a few centimeters that self that is only in each of you. But... Oh, the discreet ones!

I have not been here... and you have not seen me!

Discreet wedding rings
Discreet wedding rings
: austere design in 18K white gold with a modern hammered texture. Finished sandblasted on the outside and polished on the inside.

«Hammered texture in 18K white gold or sterling silver. Finished sandblasted on the outside and polished on the inside. An inscription inside. No shrill, please.»

It is the magic formula of the discrete.

Noble materials, but not too noticeable. If it is gold, let it be white. If it is silver, better aged. We do not want to appear. Stop postureo! Happiness goes inside. We can afford good wedding bands, but neither is it a matter of neighbors thinking that we have had the EuroMillions. Less is more! Simplicity is a virtue...


That's what I tell you. Humbug!! You are only getting married once, and would you not like to add to the design of your alliances that story that unites you, that symbol that excites you or that idea that gives you spark? That brilliance of yellow gold, that exoticism of red gold, the modernity of two-tone wedding rings, the roll of vintage wedding rings... Or a complementary design or a lace... A thousand and one possibilities in measurements, thicknesses, textures and finishes...??

But there is no way. And it is that over time I have learned that the discreet people who end up calling my workshop come from a long painful procession.

The discreet also cry... a lot!

Hammered Wedding Rings
Hammered Wedding Rings
: sterling silver with hammered texture. Aged finish on the outside and polished on the inside.

Alianzas Martelé
Basic Hammered Silver wedding rings
: Sterling silver textured hammered chaos chaos. Polished finish inside.

The discreet ones who come to my workshop have visited some jewelry stores where they asked for normal wedding bands and looked at them strange. They served them a glass of cava while they replied that for such a special occasion the minimum is a pebble the size of a pea on a rococo ring in yellow gold with spirals of red gold and a stir fry of white gold :O

So... lesson learned! Discretes from the world: Welcome to The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory! Hammered texture in 18K white gold or sterling silver. Finished sandblasted on the outside and polished on the inside. An inscription inside. No shrill, of course:)

An optimal option for those looking for an elegant and low-key solution. Modern but that does not attract attention. Cool, but without posturing. Less is more!

And that does not mean that we do not have to finish discussing: section, thickness, material and finish... there are possibilities to bore. The most important thing is to find the one that best reflects you. That combination that fits as a ring to your finger not only physically. And that's where the discrete ones spark little sprinkles of illusion through their eyes and I discover that happiness consists of something very simple: finding what you are looking for.

One thing does not remove the other

Binary Wedding Rings
Binary Wedding Rings
: very similar to the "Hammered Wedding Rings", but with four recesses containing a secret engraved in binary code.

In addition, being discreet does not mean that we can customize your wedding rings. Miguel and Álex, for example, started from a design very similar to the alliances in the previous photo, by Cristina and Oliver. The two pairs of wedding rings are aged sterling silver with a hammered texture on the outside and polished on the inside. Miguel and Álex bet on a different hammer: round. But they also added four lines, or recesses, in the same position and distance, so that they agree between the two rings. The four lines contain a secret: the separation between lines marks the ones and zeros of a date, in binary code, very important for the couple.

The possibilities are endless, but the goal is always one: at the MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory I do not offer personalized wedding rings. I offer that your personalized wedding bands are a little piece of you. That you, the couple, define the design. It may be from a story that unites you, from a symbol that excites you or from an idea that gives you a spark. We specify measures, thicknesses, textures and finishes. We choose white gold, yellow gold or sterling silver...

And you? Aren't you looking for who turns that little piece of you into wedding rings?

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    • Avatar
      oct 10, 2017

      Mi mujer lo ha visto en el face y ya me está liando. ¿Cómo se llaman más o menos? Gracias

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        oct 10, 2017

        ¡Hola Mario! Te envío varios presupuestos orientativos a tu email. Tu mujer tiene muy buen ojo: hazle caso :) Gracias a ti!

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      Laura Heredia
      oct 11, 2017

      ¿Y las alianzas "Modern aliance"? Medidas tatum 18 y 24 aprox. Me gustaría seaber el precio en plata y oro amarillo y también si fueran en oro blanco y oro amarillo. ¡Mil gracias guapa!

      • Avatar
        oct 11, 2017

        Hola Laura! Mañana mismo te envío los 2 presupuestos por email. Son precios orientativos: mi religión me impide repetir diseños y si te encaja a nivel de coste espero que me des ideas de cómo te gustaría personalizarlas. Guapa tú! :-)

    • Avatar
      nov 19, 2017

      Hola, voldria preu de les aliances martisi i si és el mateix en or blanc o en or groc, amb una inscripció a dintre. Gràcies! M'encanten els teus dissenys.

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        nov 20, 2017

        Hola Xènia, ¡Molt contenta que t'agradin les aliances que elaboro! Ja tens un email amb el pressupost que em demanes. Gràcies a tu!

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      Carol López
      dic 16, 2017

      Hola! Voy un poco justa de tiempo: nos casamos a finales de enero y me han enamorado tus diseños "discretos". ¿Estoy a tiempo? Me gustan horrores el modelo Martisí. Por cuánto salen y cuánto tardarías en hacerlas con inscripción interior?

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        dic 18, 2017

        Hola Carol! No hay problema: tan pronto como supere Papa Noël, el tió y los Reyes Magos volveré a tener fechas disponibles en mi calendario, o al menos eso he pedido en mi carta a los reyes magos :) Es broma: estoy contentísima de ir tan de bólido. Y sí, estás a tiempo. Ya tienes en tu correo algunos presupuestos orientativos. Quedo atenta, si te interesa: podemos personalizar grosores, medidas y acabados. Eso sí: después de reyes :D ¡Besos!

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