The Three Kings are coming!

The Three Kings are coming!

Their Majesties the Three Kings are very magical, but they do not make impossibles. This is what I have to explain every year from certain dates, when urgent requests come to me through Their Majesties and I have no days left in the calendar. That's why I love the clients who prepare their letter to the Three Kings a little in advance ;-)

Melchior of Persia, Gaspar of India and Baltasar of Arabia. Between 4,600 km and 8,200 km by camel to Barcelona, the Iberian Peninsula and surroundings. About 30 days at a good pace... They are already riding here! And that is why they subcontract a good part of the orders they receive against the clock on the way to all kinds of workers. I am fortunate: year after year I receive more and more commissions from Their Majesties the Three Kings.

Sterling silver and 18K gold, kilometer zero, designed and modeled in my workshop in Manresa. Like the collection of French claws Illusions, or the Band-Aids, or Snowflake... From the purity of Minimal to the beasts, chickens and aliens of Muajaja. And if you want a personalized jewel we can chat for a while so that you can tell me how you want it and I will tell you how we can make it.

And you, have you behaved well this year?

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      Maribel Fuentes
      dic 16, 2017

      Por cuanto sale la aguja de corbata. Es preciosa

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        dic 18, 2017

        ¡Oído cocina, Maribel! Te acabo de enviar un email con presupuesto orientativo. Trabajo en oro (amarillo o blanco) y plata, y podemos acabar de personalizar diseño, medidas y acabados. ¡Gracias por el piropo!

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