DFACTORY Christmas Market, December 22, 23 and 24 and January 2, 3 and 4

DFACTORY Christmas Market, December 22, 23 and 24 and January 2, 3 and 4

DFACTORY Christmas Market is a Christmas market that takes place in Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts, in Granollers, where more than 100 independent designers, craftsmen and creatives come together. The Christmas and Kings market where you can find original and different gifts:

  • All gifts in one place: for children, adults, men and women.
  • Children friendly: come with the little ones, we will have them entertaining.
  • Gastronomic area: take a break with a coffee in the Patio or in the Factory bar.
  • 100 designers: fashion, gastronomy, design ... and the best jewelry :-)
  • Leisure activities: live music, children's activities and much more.
  • In Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts, in the urban center of Granollers.

It is also close to everywhere: 15 km from Mataró, 16 km from Sabadell, 36 km from Vic, 41 km from Manresa or 26 km from Barcelona. The ideal excuse to take a walk near home.

MeriTomasa will be there at Christmas, Friday the 23rd, Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th of December. And also on Kings, Tuesday 2, Wednesday 3 and Thursday January 4.

Will you come?

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      Cristina Garcia
      dic 16, 2017

      Et veig molt per Granollers, Meri! Ves en compte que enamora!!!

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        dic 18, 2017

        Siii Cristina.... Ja n'estic una mica d'enamorada de Granollers... Sobretot per la seva gent ;) Només li falta una cosa: la silueta retallada a l'horitzó de la serralada de Montserrat :D T'espero al DFactory aquestes festes!

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      dic 28, 2017

      Les arracades de la colecció il.lusions han fet furor amb la family al dinar de Nadal. Per reis te'n vinc a buscar dos parells més!!!

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        dic 28, 2017

        Gràcies Eva! Me n'alegro molt :-) Oído cocina!!

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