Christmas is here. One more year. And since nobody can boast of having a brand that combines so well with these holidays, here comes my congratulations: MeriChristmas with MerryTomasa!
I wish you many smiles from ear to ear that look more than silver and gold this holiday season, and may 2018 bring you a good handful of that precious metal which is true love.
If you also want to add a personalized jewel or wear one of my MeriTomasa Collections, I'll be waiting for you at DFactory Christmas Market on December 22, 23 and 24 and January 2, 3 and 4. Merry Christmas!
Bon Nadal Meri. Fas joies molt boniques!
Merci per la floreta, Neus. Bones festes!
Felices fiestas Meritxell: ayer me llegó tu tesoro. Mi marido y yo estamos contando las horas para que llegue Papá Noël y ver qué cara pone nuestra hija cuando levante la tapa de la cajita. Ya te contaré >)
Este año hay tesoros MeriTomasa bajo muchos árboles de navidad y estoy súpercontenta. Gracias a vosotros por la confianza, Concepción :) ¿Ha acertado al final Papa Noël?