The MeriTomasa Ilusiones Collection, in the vintage trends special by Diari de Girona and Regió7

The MeriTomasa Ilusiones Collection, in the vintage trends special by Diari de Girona and Regió7

The supplement Tendències of the daily newspapers Regió7 and Diari de Girona offers this Friday, February 9 an immersion in the most vintage news of the season. Along with the retro legacy of Fred Perry, the multicolored footprints of the Victoria sneakers and the exotic journey of the Bóboli firm, highlights the collection Illusions of the Treasures Factory of MeriTomasa:

Vintage illusion: jewels full of fantasy by Meri Tomasa. The "Illusions" collection from MeriTomasa, the Treasures Factory, offers you four different French claw designs. The French claw is a typical jewelery design consisting of various metal arms that simultaneously embellish a precious stone. The collection includes rings, necklaces and earrings of different sizes and with the option of choosing the color of the zirconite that we want, whether it is diamond white, pink, aqua blue, ruby red, sapphire blue or emerald green..

Here you can find the pages of the supplement Trends of the two newspapers:

Tendències on Regió7

Ilusiones en Regió7

Tendències on Diari de Girona

Ilusiones en Diari de Girona

Limited serie kilometer 0 and with exclusive MeriTomasa designs

The Illusions Collection consists of a combinatorial of rings, earrings and necklaces executed with four different French claws: Request, Vee, Classical and Flow:

  • Request consists of four half spheres and four arms.
  • Vee of four inverted triangles and four triangular arms.
  • Classical is the one made up of six arms.
  • Flow consists of four elongated balls and four arms.

The original collection is made of sterling silver, with aged finishes that contrast with the polished exterior finish. The claws can be small or large, and the necklaces and earrings are offered with a single claw or in its compound version (a small claw and a large claw).

All the pieces (rings, earrings and necklaces, in the different versions of claws: Request, Vee, Classical or Flow) can be personalized with a color of zircon to choose: diamond white, pink, aqua blue, sapphire blue, ruby red or emerald green.

The French claws are a typical jewelery design: several metal arms accommodate while enhancing a precious stone. It is a type of setting that offers endless possibilities where the only limit is the imagination.

The Ilusiones Collection is a proposal that mixes a vintage style with contemporary designs. An ideal formula for those who can boast that good taste is not at odds with being up to date with the latest trends.

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      feb 10, 2018

      Felicitats Meri! Jo te'n vaig comprar unes arracades a Mataró i m'agraden molt. Fas alguna fira aprop per tenir també un collaret a joc o només vens per internet?

      • Avatar
        feb 12, 2018

        Hola Esther! Molt contenta del que m'expliques de les arracades! Per internet sempre estic connectada, en qualsevol moment pots fer la compra online i t'ho envio a casa. I si vols passar-nos a veure per la LLotja del Disseny seré a l'edició del 10 de març, a la plaça porxada, esperant-vos amb tota la il.lusió ;).

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