Llotja del Disseny de Granollers, Emerging Talents, Saturday March 10

Llotja del Disseny de Granollers, Emerging Talents, Saturday March 10

On Saturday, March 10, I repeat a stand in Llotja del Disseny, the urban market for independent designers and creatives in Granollers, from 10:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., in the heart of the cultural and historical center, in Plaça de la Porxada.

A modern and innovative proposal for the sale of limited and small-scale editions of items that are very difficult to find in general commercial circuits. Free entry, hipster friendly, ideal instagramers, recommended for little girls looking for a little detail for their nieces and essential for design lovers.

It is also close to everywhere: 15 km from Mataró, 16 km from Sabadell, 36 km from Vic, 41 km from Manresa or 26 km from Barcelona. The ideal excuse to take a weekend walk.

This year I am already a regular designer: in 2017 I stopped at the May and September and November editions and had a great time. I want to go back!

On Saturday, March 10, it is the Emerging Talents edition: it comes as a ring to my finger!

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      feb 18, 2018

      Ahir vam passar llista i no estaves a l'edició del febrer, la welcome party! Que no torni a passar Meri que et vam trobar moooolt a faltar. Petons!

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        feb 18, 2018

        ¡Me siento vigilada! :X Hahaha tens raó Pep, però a la propera fitxo segur. I si tot surt com ha de sortir a més vull estrenar estand :D

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