Llotja del Disseny de Granollers, Eclectic Brands, Saturday May 19

Llotja del Disseny de Granollers, Eclectic Brands, Saturday May 19

On Saturday May 19 cosmic juxtaposition plays in Granollers. The fans of MeriTomasa and the believers of Llotja del Disseny have an inexcusable appointment in Eclectic Brands, this May edition. If you are both one thing and the other, the event's label demands to split and overlap space-time and in return you can boast of being ultra-followers :)

Llotja del Disseny is the urban market for independent designers and creatives in Granollers, from 10:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., in the heart of the cultural and historical center, in plaça de la Porxada. A modern and innovative proposal for the sale of limited and small-scale editions of items that are very difficult to find in general commercial circuits. Free entry, hipster friendly, ideal instagramers, recommended for little girls looking for a little detail for their nieces and essential for design lovers.

It is also close to everywhere: 15 km from Mataró, 16 km from Sabadell, 36 km from Vic, 41 km from Manresa or 26 km from Barcelona. The ideal excuse to take a weekend walk.

Collections of short seriation in sterling silver

At the stand I carry some of the jewels that you will find on my website, my MeriTomasa Collections in sterling silver and kilometer zero, limited series designed and modeled in my Manresa workshop, with exclusive designs and handcrafted manufacturing.

Each collection offers you a complete range of rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, key chains, pins or hair sticks. They are sold online on this website, or in the best markets :)

: the collection of french claws to go from fashion victim to heartbreaker.

: the collection to boast of being a wound-proof survivor.

: the collection with minimal design for maximum girls. Ideal from Monday to Sunday.

: aliens, bugs and chickens. A zoo in sterling silver.

Wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth
: never to lose your good judgment when unreason attacks.

: the collection to show off the winter without your smile ever freezing.

Sant Jordi Roses
Sant Jordi Roses
: for those who believe that every day can be Sant Jordi.

Catalan Estelada
: ideal for fans of the Republic proof of Tabarnias and 155.

Custom jewelry

And if you want a spcial custom jewelry we can chat for a little while so that you can tell me how you want it and I will tell you how we can do it . At The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory in Manresa (Barcelona) I combine technique and design to create bespoke jewelry tailor-made for all tastes and pockets. Personalized jewelry where you decide the meaning, design, materials or finishes to fill each treasure with something much more valuable than the splendor of metal: you!

Will you come?

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      abr 29, 2018

      Hola Meri. Et vaig comprar unes arracades de plata amb forma de tirabuixons i n'he perdut una. M'agradaven motl i he mirat a la teva web per comprar-me'n unes altres però no les tens o no les sé trobar. En tindràs a la Porxada?

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        abr 30, 2018

        Hola Montse! No les trobaràs al web perquè són de la meva col·lecció de bàsics només per quan surto de firaire. En aquest cas, a més, són tirabuixons en plata fets un per un: a vegades més llargs; d'altres vegades més curts... de manera que són peces ideals per triar i remenar a la parada. T'espero a la porxada!

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      may 5, 2018

      Me encantan tus diseños

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        may 7, 2018

        ¡Gracias corazón!

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      Baldo Muñoz
      may 11, 2018

      Hola Mari, te compré unos pendientes de la señera para mi mujer y le encantaron, nos gustaría tener los anillos a juego, el problema es que tengo unos dedos XXL y me cuesta encontrar anillos de mi talla por parte de mi mujer no creo que halla problema. Sería posible adquirirlos el próximo 19/5 en la porxada de Granollers? Gracias.

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        may 14, 2018

        Hola Baldo! Muy muy contenta que a tu mujer les gustaran los pendientes estelada!!! Te envío un mensaje por privado con un medidor de dedos/anillos y así te puedo elaborar unos anillos de l'Estelada para el sábado a vuestra medida! Gracias a ti y hasta el sábado!

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