On vacation: from August 20 to September 9

On vacation: from August 20 to September 9

They are already here! After a year in which The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory has not stopped blowing magical smoke from its four chimneys, I close the ovens and give some holidays to the blowtorch, the sharpener, the shipyard, the rolling mill, my burins and the gnomes of the north and the witches of the south who help me in my day-to-day tasks. We are on vacation!

From August 20 to September 9. Along the way, the online store continues with the blind up. You can buy online and ask questions: I will process all the orders and respond to all your queries from September 10.

Nice summer!

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      ago 14, 2018

      Merescudíssimes Meri. Frueix-les molt i carrega piles que a la tornada hem de parlar de les aliances!

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