Custom jewelry for parents of newborns: Seeds Collection

Custom jewelry for parents of newborns: Seeds Collection

Seeds is an original MeriTomasa collection for today's babies who will be the big men and superwomans of tomorrow. The idea is simple and allows many readings. The father plants a seed and the mother shapes it. Or: the older seed that is the mother or both parents shelters and shapes the smaller one, which is the newborn. The mother, or the father, or both, wear these treasures in fruitful use to charge them with experiences and memories. When the baby becomes a superwoman or a big man, he will inherit his part, the inner seed, loaded with those experiences and those good memories.

Seeds is also a rural-friendly collection, both for those who are already there and for those who return, or for those who stay in the big city but have learned to unlearn all the wonders of the Urban Way of Life to savor those time to go to the mountain, where the offspring can still go out to the street to run a bike in a herd and there is always a little bambi playing the plover at the end of the gang.

In addition, in all models you can customize the inscriptions of the outer seed and the inner seed. An ideal gift to surprise your wife or husband on D-day in the hospital, or at save parties, or as a gift for parents when a new baby arrives in the family or among close friends.

Seeds Pendant
Seeds Pendant
: the mother wears it to fill it with experiences in fruitful use. When the baby is older, she will inherit her part full of good memories.
From € 85

Seeds Keychain
Seeds Keychain
: the father or mother wears it to fill it with experiences in use. When the baby is older, she will inherit her part full of good memories.
From € 95

Seeds Pendant and Keychain
Seeds Pendant and Keychain
: the father and mother wear them to fill with experiences in fruitful use. The baby will inherit both jewels loaded with good memories. € 130

Kilometer zero: designed and modeled in my workshop in Manresa

Seeds is a collection designed and modeled in my workshop in Manresa, Barcelona, based on custom jewelry orders since 2008. Making a small serialization allows me to offer it to you at cheaper prices and get it home to you in a long time shorter. In any case, you can boast of wearing a jewel kilometer zero of artisan manufacture and personalize the inscription of both the large and the small seed.


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      sep 18, 2018

      Jo li vaig regalar un collaret a la meva germana quan va tenir la seva segona filla i el pporta sempre. Vaig posar a la llavor de fora el seu nom i a la de dins els de les meves nebodes. És molt 🔝

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        sep 19, 2018

        ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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      Cristina Cruz Mas
      sep 22, 2018

      Hola Meritxell,Primer de tot Felicitat-te pels teus petits tresors. N’hi han de molt Macos i m’ha agradar molt la colecció“semillas” pel naixement d’un nadó.Et volia fer un petit suggeriment en el redactat x presentar la joya. El text diu: “Cuando el bebé se convierta en mujercita o hombretón, heredará...” . Segur que no es ni molt menys la teva intenció però aquesta frase es una mica sexista i estàs utilitzant estereotips de gènere, dones petites fràgils i homes grans i forts... A veure, que son expressions q diem diàriament sense donar-nos compte, eh!! ... però jo crec que pots expressar el mateix amb un llenguatge mès inclusiu.Espero que no t’ho prenguis malament... però es que n’ha cridat l’atenció i no ho volia deixar passar. Quan tingui que fer un regal x un nadó ja se quin faré!Cristina

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        sep 22, 2018

        Gràcies pel comentari, Cristina! El post original està redactat en català i faig servir "hereus i pubilles", que em sembla molt nostrat. En castellà m'ha costat trobar una traducció. Tens raó que potser "hombretones y mujercitas" connota aquest biaix de gènere. Homenots i donotes, hombretones y mujeronas... no acaba de funcionar massa bé... La llengua, a vegades, ens ho posa difícil. Prenc nota del suggeriment, i donant-hi voltes, se m'acut un gir potser una mica agossarat. En català, "hereus i pubilles"; en castellà, "hombretones y superwomans". Poc respectuós segur amb la RAE (i també amb el Merriam-Webster per aquest plural tan poc ortodox en anglès :-) però crec que corregeix aquesta petita relliscada que, ben vist!, m'has fet notar. Gràcies i petons!

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