Next signing of the agreement between MeriTomasa and the Cagatió in Pedraforca

Next signing of the agreement between MeriTomasa and the Cagatió in Pedraforca

In the coming days, the week of December 10 to 16, the signing of the agreement between MeriTomasa and the Cagatió is scheduled. The signing ceremony will take place in Cal Tió, a secret cabin located on the foot of Pedraforca, hidden among the pine forests of black pine, fir, oak and hazelnut trees, and guarded by the witches who jump and dance above the gorse.

The specific date and location of the cabin will not be made public by express indication of the Cagatió, which tries to avoid excessive media exposure of modern times.

It is also expected that during the event the agreements between MeriTomasa and Santa Claus and between MeriTomasa and the Three Kings will also be formalized. During these days, the respective legal teams of each other are finalizing all the paperwork and adjusting the agendas of all these magical beings and MeriTomasa.

The agreements provide for the certification of MeriTomasa by Cagatió, Santa Claus, Melchior, Balthazar and Gaspar with the Christmas Magic Page quality seal. This certification allows you to write your letters directly to all these magical beings through my contact form. A copy comes to them (which validate if you have made merits to obtain the desired gift) and another to me (as soon as I receive the ok I get to work to send you the treasure you have requested).

All the procedures related to this validation by the magical beings of Christmas that you have behaved well and deserve the treasure you request are secret and are collected with all the details in the agreements. Precisely for this reason it is strictly prohibited to publish them and I will not be able to show them to you in any case.

There are many different companies and companies that strive these days to be chosen by the magical beings of Christmas to sign these agreements and obtain the certification of the Christmas Magic Page quality seal. The selection process is very rigorous and demanding, which is why very few artists succeed. The creation of kilometer zero jewelry with its own workshop and the highest quality is one of the points in MeriTomasa's favor that magical beings have valued the most. I am very happy to have been anointed with this distinction! :-)

They also say that one of my points in favor of obtaining the certification is that I have the workshop in Manresa, with views of the Montserrat mountain range, which is also a magical mountain, like Pedraforca, and it is said that between La Moreneta and Cagatió there is an ancestral relationship of solidarity between inhabitants of magical mountains and of pure love.

Pedraforca, by Carles Paul.

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      dic 12, 2018

      Meri porta-li pell de taronja, closca d'anous i mitja llimona. A casa li omplim el plat cada nit i pel matí ja s'ho ha cruspit tot!!!! LOL

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