

The jewels really like to show off as if it were Palm Sunday or as if they were going to have vermouth with their friends on the boulevard. That's why they look so much in a display case. But don't be fooled: that glow is the tears of orphan jewels, which need the warmth that only good people can give them who take pity on them and buy them :)

From October 15 to 30, Igualada becomes the capital of Catalan jewelry with the exhibition "Why jewelry is culture"?, as part of the cultural events of Igualada Capital of Catalan Culture 2022.

Àngels Freixanet and Meritxell Tomasa in Espai Rubiralta Manresa

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This Thursday, April 4, we inaugurated an exhibition at the Espai Rubilalta in Manresa. We present Jewel - Sculpture :: Sculpture - Jewel born from the collaboration between Àngels Freixanet and MeriTomasa. We are waiting for you at the opening on Thursday 4 from 6pm!

Àngels Freixanet and Meritxell Tomasa at Casa//Arte Madrid

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This jewel sculpture collection was born from the collaboration between Àngels Freixanet and MeriTomasa. Are they jewelry to wear or sculptures to look placed on your frame? The proposal arises from the fusion of materials such as iron, sterling silver and wood.