Custom jewelry for parents of newborns: Seeds Collection

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Seeds is an original MeriTomasa collection to give to parents when a new baby arrives in the family or among the closest friends. Customizable pendants and keychains in the form of seeds, consisting of two parts. The inner seed represents the baby. The outer seed corresponds to the mother or the father. When the baby becomes a superwoman or a big man, she will inherit her part, full of experiences.

On vacation: from August 20 to September 9

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They are already here! After a year in which The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory has not stopped blowing magical smoke from its four chimneys, I close the ovens and give some holidays to the blowtorch, the sharpener, the shipyard, the rolling mill, my burins and the gnomes of the north and the witches of the south who help me in my day-to-day tasks. We are on vacation!
The Catalan Goverment, through the Consorci de Comerç, Artesania i Moda de Catalunya (CCAM), has awarded me the Handicraft Product badge. D'A certifies that my jewels are of my own production and are made by hand using the processes of my trade and produced in Catalonia. In my case, in my workshop in Manresa, near Barcelona, kilometer zero.
On Saturday July 14 and again on Sunday August 5 I will be waiting for you at the Beach Market in Sant Pol de Mar, in Plaza Torrent Arrosser, in the Town Hall, facing the sea, from 6pm to midnight. The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory will be in front of the most chic landscapes of the Maresme, among strawberries :)
Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th of June, from 11am to 9pm, I sign up for the new edition of the Olímpic Market, in the Port Olímpic of Barcelona, right in front of the Mapfre towers. Fashion, accessories, crafts, clothing and children's products and... the best jewelry from MeriTomasa!

Where to buy an original Atlantis ring?

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Buying an Atlanis ring is easy. Just go to Google and you will find myriads of websites, from Amazon to infinity and beyond, that offer it, with magic included, for prices of heart attack. In The MeriTomasa's Treasure Factory I cannot (nor do I want to) compete with those heart-stopping prices or with those esotericisms included. But I can tell you the most common tricks that I see with my jeweler's eyes when I explore that vast universe...
On Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 June, from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., I wait for you at the 4th edition of the Agulla Market, in the Parc de l'Agulla de Manresa, with musical novelties, a kids' area for small and more than 25 brands of clothing, jewelry, fashion and accessories. And free entry.

MeriTomasa in the 1st Entrepreneurship Week in Manresa

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On Monday the 14th, at 9:30 am, in the auditorium of the Palau Firal, we will be inaugurating. I also participate, with a short presentation of my entrepreneurial experience and a great desire to thank for the help received and to encourage other entrepreneurs who want to follow this same path.
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