Pinch of Love from MeriTomasa, in Regió7 and Diari de Girona

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The supplement Tendències of the newspapers Regió7 and Diari de Girona dedicates this Friday, January 19, a page to the trendiest news of the season. Along with other pieces by Mango, Torras and Desigual, the Pinch of Love collection by La Fábrica de Tesoros de MeriTomasa stands out...

Up to -25% discount on the Minimal Collection

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For those who have kept a corner after the madness of Christmas and Kings, this year I celebrate the first anniversary of The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory with a heart attack promotion: up to 25% discount on the entire Minimal Collection. Hair sticks, earrings, headbands, creoles, necklaces, bracelets and rings!

Catalan independence jewels: the Estelada in silver

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New collection: the Catalan pro-independence flag, the estelada, in silver. The Estelada Collection consists of a set of treasures in sterling silver: pin, bracelet, ring, earrings and keychain, which share the estelada flag as a motif and are designed for the most independentist fans or to give to those who like to boast of being citizens of the Republic proof of Tabarnias and 155.
The page Gregori arrives in Granollers and settles in Roca Umbert to organize the royal camp and begin preparing charcoal, gifts and magic star dust. In the Thermal Power Plant, he refines the sand, collected in the desert of Wadi Rum, and polishes it until transforming it into magic dust.

MeriChristmas with MerryTomasa!

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Christmas is here. One more year. And since nobody can boast of having a brand that combines so well with these holidays, here comes my congratulations: MeriChristmas with MerryTomasa!
DFACTORY Christmas Market is a Christmas market that takes place in Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts, in Granollers, where more than 100 independent designers, craftsmen and creatives come together. The Christmas and Kings market where you can find original and different gifts.

Tàrrega Televisió interview with MeriTomasa

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Eva Cortijo, from Tàrrega Televisió, interviewed me this past Sunday, at the Fira d'Artistes i Activitats Tradicionals a Tàrrega. It has made me a barbaric illusion! If you want to see me in my minute of glory, I leave you the video of you will find me from minute 75:05 to minute 76:10. It gets short :)

The Three Kings are coming!

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Their Majesties the Three Kings are very magical, but they do not make impossibles. This is what I have to explain every year from certain dates, when urgent requests come to me through Their Majesties and I have no days left in the calendar. That's why I love the clients who prepare their letter to the Three Kings a little in advance ;-)
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