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There are those who cannot imagine a jewel without a heart-stopping gem and the ostentatious yellow of solid gold. To compensate the universe, God invented the discreet. A fearsome lineage: every time a discreet knock on the door of my workshop... I tremble!

MeriTomasa in «Open 24 hours» by Canal Taronja

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Canal Taronja, Manresa television, has dedicated the program "Obert 24 hores" to the figure of coaching, by the hand of my mentor, Antònia Farreras, and you will find me from the minute 2:40 to 6...

Vidmar Festival in Vilassar de Mar, September 30

Posted by     Fairs, markets and other shops      0 Comments   views (2257)
I'm going to a festival! And you are invited! Next Saturday September 30 I wait for you at Vidmar Festival, in Vilassar de Mar, in can Bisa, carrer Montserrat 2.

Free shipping!

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This Monday I was ambushed by the Board of Directors of MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory. The executive director, my personal coacher, the chief marketing officer and the cleaning man have all agreed that we have to cut shipping costs. "If we make free shipping we are going to have to steal the Carrefour shopping carts to be able to take care of all orders," they told me. And they have convinced me.

Vintage wedding rings: the fashion for classic wedding bands

Posted by     Hand-made jewelry      0 Comments   views (4072)
The difference between classic wedding rings and vintage wedding rings depends more on you than on me: probably the same wedding rings will be "a classic" for an older person who remembers the fashions of years ago and "vintage" for someone younger than look for a past style to differentiate yourself from "the modern".

Trends: the fashion of complementary wedding rings

Posted by     Hand-made jewelry      8 Comments   views (6468)
Complementary wedding rings are one of the trends with more fans in the design of wedding alliances. The approach is very simple: in the standard designs both alliances share the same design and therefore each ring makes sense by itself. On the other hand, in complementary designs, it is necessary to join the two alliances to contemplate the complete design. It's a nice metaphor for that union your alliances represent, right?
On Saturday September 16 I repeat a stop at Llotja del Disseny, the independent designers market of Granollers, from 10:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., in Plaça de la Porxada, with free admission, hipster friendly, ideal instagramers, recommended for little girls looking for a little detail for their nieces and essential for design lovers and all the cute people...

Wedding jewelry set

Posted by     Hand-made jewelry      2 Comments   views (2648)
Carmen has met me on the Internet, searching online jewelry stores in Google. Her little sister is getting married and the occasion is the perfect excuse to give herself a set of jewelry for the wedding that becomes part of her personal trousseau :)
Showing 144 to 152 of 181 (19 Pages)