Custom Secret Message Wedding Rings

Sterling silver


Personalized wedding rings for Eva and Clara, in sterling silver, 5mm wide and with a custom secret: an inner message written in handwriting by Eva on Clara's ring, and by Clara on the ring from Eva.

Another peculiarity: they are to be worn as pendants. Each alliance has two small holes (on the opposite side to the inscription) through which a silver chain passes tightly (with length tailored to each one).

Matte exterior finish. Polished interior with darkened recesses to contrast the inscription. Rounded edges for comfort.

Unique piece. Not for sale, but I can design a custom one for you: Fill out the form and send you quote!

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Data sheet

CollectionUnique piece
CategoryCustom wedding rings
MaterialSterling silver

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You design your wedding rings: I am your jeweler's hands

T'he trobat!Eva and Clara write their personalized message. Eva for Clara's wedding ring, and Clara for Eva's wedding ring.

Eva and Clara arrived at The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory with very clear ideas. They wanted discreet wedding bands, to hang around the neck and not carry in their hands, and that had a custom inscription inside, "T'he trobat" (I've found you), the same on both rings. They were looking for a custom artist and a friend, who is also an artist, told them about me. Clara is also an artist too: if you are looking for a muralist or an illustrator, don't miss her Instagram. I think Eva also has an artistic streak, but she works with fire, rain and adverse weather conditions.

You design your wedding rings. I am your hands. It's my favorite formula at The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory. And of course I love if I can contribute any idea. With Eva and Clara we value different sections and finishes, and I think they liked the idea that each one of them, with their own handwriting, wrote the message to be taxed in their partner's wedding band.

About The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory

The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory is specialized in custom jewelery tailored to suit all tastes and budgets: wedding rings, headbands, earrings, pendants, brooches, bracelets, rings, tiaras... My value proposition is to create products where it is you who decides the shape, materials, finishes... That you can be part of the manufacturing process and thus begin to fill the object with something more sensitive than the lavishness that metal brings. It is a more intimate, romantic, exclusive and quality work.

So don't think about it any more: fill in the form and tell me what is your idea. I will answer you with a budget and without any obligation. Everything is possible at The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory!


    1 Review(s) with an average of 5 over 5

Estem encantades!

Ha sigut una sort immensa trobar la Fàbrica de Tresors de la Meri.
Dissenyar les aliances amb ella va ser molt fàcil i de seguida va captar el què volíem. Han sortit dues peces perfectes, tal com ens les havíem imaginat. El material i els acabats són preciosos i el text "t'he trobat" idèntic al que vam escriure en el paper. Les cadenes molt boniques i finetes. El resultat: una passada.
Li agraïm molt la seva professionalitat i, cal dir, que el preu és increïble per la qualitat de les peces.
Gràcies Meri!!!

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    Custom Secret Message Wedding Rings

    Custom Secret Message Wedding Rings

    Personalized wedding rings for Eva and Clara, in sterling silver, 5mm wide and with a custom secret: an inner message written in handwriting by Eva on Clara's ring, and by Clara on the ring from Eva.

    Another peculiarity: they are to be worn as pendants. Each alliance has two small holes (on the opposite side to the inscription) through which a silver chain passes tightly (with length tailored to each one).

    Matte exterior finish. Polished interior with darkened recesses to contrast the inscription. Rounded edges for comfort.

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