Top Premium Deluxe version of the Illusions Collection, a vintage jewelry proposal for fans of the ancient and the modern. The designs that the Sissi Empress of yesterday, today and tomorrow would have wished to wear, only available to the wealthiest fans. Four different designs (Request, Uve, Classical and Flow) based on a common motif: the French claw, a type of clasp in classic jewelry that I propose you rediscover in the form of lavish necklaces and runaway luxury..
Premium Ilusiones necklace inspired by Sissi, Empress of Austria, made up of 14 French claws from the Ilusiones Collection: 10 small and 4 large, from the Flow, Classical, Vee and Request designs, almost all with white diamond cubic zirconia, except two with pink zirconia and two more in ruby red. Vintage design, with an aged finish in the recesses and...