Golden Wedding Plaque

Gold, silver and bronze


Herminia and Jaume's golden wedding commemorative plaque, consisting of an 18K gold and sterling silver commemorative plaque held up by a bronze sculpture of the two bride and groom..

The sterling silver personalized inscription commemorative plaque is engraved with the 18K rose gold heart and 50 years of 18K yellow gold.

The bronze sculpture represents Herminia and Jaume, holding their plate, on a Moabi base (tropical mahogany colored wood).

Unique piece. Not for sale, but I can design a custom one for you: Fill out the form and send you quote!

Data sheet

CollectionUnique piece
MaterialGold, silver and bronze


    1 Review(s) with an average of 5 over 5


Vaig contactar per primera vegada amb la Meri el 26 de desembre de 2018 .
Em va agradar el titol "LA FABRICA DE TRESORS", ja que jo volia fer un tresor molt especial per la dona que es la meva esposa des de ja fa mes de 51 anys.
Llavors va començar un proces de creacio que va durar quasi tres mesos fins que, seguint els consells de la Meri varem decidir la forma final del tresor que jo volia fer.
Avui, quan he obert aquesta pagina d'ìnternet, m'he trobat amb la sorpresa de que el tresor que va realitzar la Meri es lo primer que apareix.
Aixo es un gran honor per mi. Pero el merit es de ella.
Gracies Meri.
Ets una gran professional i una persona excepcional.

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    Golden Wedding Plaque

    Golden Wedding Plaque

    Herminia and Jaume's golden wedding commemorative plaque, consisting of an 18K gold and sterling silver commemorative plaque held up by a bronze sculpture of the two bride and groom..

    The sterling silver personalized inscription commemorative plaque is engraved with the 18K rose gold heart and 50 years of 18K yellow gold.

    The bronze sculpture represents Herminia and Jaume, holding their plate, on a Moabi base (tropical mahogany colored wood).

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