Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth to wear daily or at holidays with practical utility: they serve to not lose sanity when the outburst attacks. And also to always carry the quintessential Catalan seny. In different pin formats. Recommended for Almodovarian fans on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Self-diagnosis: does not require a prescription. Guaranteed results :)

Wisdom teeth

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
  • Wisdom Tooth Pin Quick view
    $79.71 In Stock
    Wisdom Tooth Pin
    2 Review(s)

    Wisdom Tooth pin in sterling silver. To wear it on special dates and with practical utility: it serves to avoid losing good judgment when the outburst attacks. Both the grinding wheel and the pin are made of sterling silver. Polished finish. It is one of my favorite jewels. When I wear it, people ask me about it. "It is my good judgment," I reply, and...

    In Stock
  • Wisdom Tooth Needle Quick view
    $84.19 In Stock
    Wisdom Tooth Needle
    1 Review(s)

    Wisdom Tooth needle in sterling silver. To wear it on special dates and with practical utility: it serves to avoid losing good judgment when the outburst attacks. Both the grinding wheel and the safety pin are made of sterling silver. Polished finish. It is one of my favorite jewels. When I wear it, people ask me about it. "It is my good judgment," I...

    In Stock
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items