Tetragrammaton 7 metals: why does it not exist?

Tetragrammaton 7 metals: why does it not exist?

I've been asked this many times, but Tony made a great summary in a question he wrote to me in another post:< /p>

"Hello Meri Tomasa :) To be 100% effective, the tetragrammaton must be made with the 7 metals: gold, silver, iron, mercury, tin, copper, lead. I know that it is very difficult to make a tetragrammaton with these alloys, but this is how the esoteric tradition says that a tetragrammaton should be made, since if it is only made of gold, silver, and copper, the tetragrammaton will only have the force of the sun, the moon, and venus, ignoring mars, mercury, jupiter, and saturn. Greetings."

My answer is: that of the 7 metals is what the esoteric tradition says, yes, but that esoteric tradition worked in very few jewelry workshops. It's not that it's difficult, it's that it would be a crime: to begin with, mercury is a very toxic metal, poisonous to people, and therefore its use is prohibited in jewelry. To continue, no self-respecting jewelry workshop admits tin, because a jewelry workshop is a kind of reliquary where only precious metals (gold and silver) can enter and never other metals that can contaminate them, such as tin.

Try it: if you search the internet you won't find any "7 metal tetragrammatons" that are actually made of those 7 metals. The only thing you will find are "7 metal tetragrammaton" that only have the name of the 7 metals, because then you look at the technical description and they are made only of silver (or other metals, sometimes several). At MeriTomasa I offer you versions in silver or gold, and also a version in 3 metals: gold, silver and copper.

  • Mercury is toxic to health and is therefore prohibited for commercial use, both in jewelry and in any other product. For example, thermometers used to be made of mercury, and they have been banned for years. The problem with mercury is that it is a toxic element, which does not degrade and if it is dispersed it contaminates the environment and easily reaches the food chain. For example, if you throw a thermometer in the garbage or landfill, it can end up in the sea, where it accumulates in fish. Mercury is toxic to the central and peripheral nervous systems, and has the danger that at room temperature it is in liquid form and easily becomes an odorless gas (and therefore difficult to detect). Inhalation of mercury vapor can be harmful to the nervous and immune systems, the digestive system, and the lungs and kidneys, with sometimes fatal consequences. In short, if we wanted to incorporate mercury into a tetragrammaton, we would have to encapsulate it in glass, and in any case it would be illegal, both its manufacture and its commercialization.
  • Regarding tin, it is a forbidden metal in any jewelry workshop, since a jewelry workshop is like a small locket: the jewels are filed to achieve their various finishes, and all filings they are stored, since each gram of precious metal (especially gold, but also silver) has a high value. To reuse these filings, however, you have to be able to distinguish between each of the metals, and tin and silver are very similar and could be mixed. Therefore, no jewelry workshop admits the entry of tin, since it would "contaminate" the silver filings.
  • Iron would be viable, since in your case it is a material that is very easy to detect if mixed with precious metals: we only need a magnet to remove any iron impurities that could be between the swarf... For this reason, and for other qualities, it is a metal that can enter the workshop, and that is why most jewelery tools are made of iron. It is a material that we jewelers often shape ourselves to make custom tools. Honestly... I think it's a very cool material and that it gives us a lot of options, including making jewelry, but... its easy oxidation and other properties mean that it's not among the materials in which I offer my jewelry.
  • Finally, lead is halfway between tin and iron. Before it was used in pipes and now it is not, like mercury, because it is toxic and its contact with the water we drink endangers our health. In many workshops we use lead for some tools such as lead pan: a base that withstands blows without damaging the piece. But beyond its use in these tools, I do not work with it precisely because it is toxic and polluting.
  • Of course, precious metals are viable (gold and silver), which are the reference metals for jewelry, and also copper, which is not a precious metal but is highly appreciated for its reddish color and its electrical conduction, and has wide uses in jewelry and not only in jewelry.

This is why you won't find any "7 metal tetragrammaton" on the market that is actually made of those 7 metals. The only thing you will find are "7 metal tetragrammaton" that only have the name of the 7 metals, because then you look at the technical description and they are made only of silver (or other metals, sometimes several). In my jewelry workshop at The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory I offer it to you in silver, or in gold-plated silver, or in gold, or in an amalgamation of three metals: gold, silver, and copper.

Tetragrammaton Collection by MeriTomasa

The main difference between my tetragrammatons compared to serial productions that you can find on other websites is the quality and craftsmanship. I only work with noble metals (18k gold, sterling silver and electrolytic copper). And I make each piece by hand. The result is a unique and quality treasure. Stronger and more durable.

The various Tetragrammaton models from The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory share a design faithful to the original. The only thing that changes is the metal:

You can buy online on my website:

Silver Tetragrammaton Bracelet
Silver Tetragrammaton Bracelet
Sterling silver.

Small Silver Tetragrammaton Necklace
Small Silver Tetragrammaton Necklace
Sterling silver.

Silver Tetragrammaton Seal Ring
Silver Tetragrammaton Seal Ring
Sterling silver.

Silver Tetragrammaton Bracelet with Hungarian Silver Chain
Silver Tetragrammaton Bracelet with Hungarian Silver Chain
Sterling silver.

Silver Tetragrammaton Necklace
Silver Tetragrammaton Necklace
Sterling silver.

Gold Plating Tetragrammaton Necklace
Gold Plating Tetragrammaton Necklace

Gold plating.

Gold, Silver and Copper Tetragrammaton Necklace
Gold, Silver and Copper Tetragrammaton Necklace
Three metals.

Gold Tetragrammaton Necklace
Gold Tetragrammaton Necklace
18K gold.

International deliveries of MeriTomasa's Tetragrammaton

A DHL van, ready to deliver a MeriTomasa's Atlantis Ring

A DHL van, ready to deliver a MeriTomasa's Tetragrammaton.

International shipping with DHL, since August 2019: Canada, United States, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Andorra, Gibraltar, Switzerland, Norway, United Kingdom, Iceland, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

And of course to the 27 countries of the European Union:: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Sweden.

After trying several parcel companies, I have decided on DHL to be the one who will transport my treasures from my workshop in Manresa (Barcelona) to your delivery address. You can now buy online at MeriTomasa from most countries in the world :)

If you have any questions or concerns, fill out my contact form and we will talk it by email.

And you, have you already chosen your tetragrammaton?


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      Margarita sarabia
      nov 8, 2022

      El precious es en dilated I pedi mexicano

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        nov 10, 2022

        Hola Margarita! No sé si entiendo bien tu mensaje: quizás el corrector ortográfico ha modificado tu texto... ¿me preguntas si puedes comprar en dólares USA y en pesos mexicanos? En mi web puedes comprar en euros y en dólares USA, usando el selector que encontrarás en la esquina superior derecha de la web. No te puedo ofrecer comprar en pesos mexicanos, pero si usas una targeta seguro que tu banco te hace la conversión, y puedes usar un conversor de Google para saber el cambio con antelación. Cualquier duda, estoy a tu disposición!

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      nov 15, 2022

      Yo no sé de joyería pero es que un tetragamaton no es una joya corriente y no tiene que estar echo de esos metales simplemente formar parte del mismo por ejemplo en pequeños trocitos en la parte trasera ya lo del mercurio no sé cómo será

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        nov 15, 2022

        Gracias por tu aporte, Guillermo. La joyería es el arte de lo pequeño, y como os expongo en mi post, en un taller de joyería no caben ni el mercurio ni el estaño, ni en trocitos grandes ni pequeños. Mi propuesta es muy honesta: el tetragrammaton os lo ofrezco en un único metal, en plata de ley o bien en oro de 18kt, y también os lo ofrezco en una joya elaborada con tres metales: oro 18kt, plata de ley y cobre electrolítico. A partir de ahí, cada cuál es libre de elegirlo o no y de buscar otros comercios donde os puedan ofrecer otros productos elaborados de manera distinta a cómo los elaboro yo. En este post sólo os quería prevenir de porqué muchos que encontraréis ofreciendo "tetragrammatons de 7 metales" no os ofrecen tal cosa, sino un producto que de los "7 metales" sólo tiene el nombre. ¡Saludos!

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      dic 9, 2022

      Hola bueno solo para informar un poco está cuestión es muy mística y no siempre las cosas son lo que parecen el mercurio tiene un n significado más allá de lo que parce las cosas estéticas no siempre se las debe de tomar literalmente un verdadero alquimista sabrá a qué se refieren cuando dicen mercurio recuerden que hay sierras cosas que no pueden estar al alcance de todos sería una irresponsabilidad y sería muy peligrosos para las personas que quieran usar tan poderoso amuleto y no sean personas dignas eso no más diré.v

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        dic 9, 2022

        Bueno... yo diría que cuando se habla de 7 metales y se indica literalmente "oro, plata, hierro, mercurio, estaño, cobre y plomo" pues hay poco margen de interpretación :-) Lo que sucede es tan simple como que el conocimiento y la ciencia avanzan. Hace unos pocos años todos teníamos un termómetro de mercurio en casa: ahora ya apenas si los hay, porque ahora sabemos que son peligrosos. Pues así de fácil: la alquimia y el esoterismo no sabían que el mercurio era venenoso cuando lo "recetaban", hace siglos, en fórmulas como las del Tetragrammaton. Eso sí: seguro que detrás de esta obviedad hay mucho más, como bien dices, David: como me gusta repetir, yo no soy pitonisa ni maga ni especialista en esoterismo. Soy joyera. Y eso es lo que os ofrezco: tesoros esotéricos como el Tetragrammaton o el Atlante poniendo el foco en la fidelidad a su diseño original y en una elaboración de joyería artesanal de calidad.

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      abr 16, 2023

      Hola, paso a explicar en que consiste realmente el tetragrammaton de los 7 metales, al exponer el resto de los metales (6) al mercurio,este los disuelve y se vuelve una masa blanda que se incrustaba en una base de piedra ( normalmente de mármol o lapizlas zuli) , que le otorgaba la pieza final al trabajo. Estás piezas eran en su mayoría grandes y se ponían en la base de alguna estatua de un Dios, jamás se llevaría puesto ya que las personas no eran dignas y sufrirían al simple contacto. Se sobreentiende! Un saludo desde Uruguay

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        may 1, 2023

        ¡Gracias por el aporte, Adrián!

        Es una explicación que tiene más de leyenda que de técnica de joyería. Es cierto que el mercurio disuelve el oro. De hecho, si os paseáis por la mayoría de templos cristianos veréis muchos dorados hechos así: se disolvía el oro en el mercurio (se saturaba el mercurio de oro, dicho bien) y luego se ponía el mercurio sobre la pieza (normalmente pieza de plata o de latón); después se exponía al fuego para evaporar el mercurio y quedaba solo el oro, como una capa sobre la pieza. Estos baños eran súper duraderos, pero tienen un problema: el operario que respira el mercurio se está envenenando.

        Incluir en esa misma amalgama oro, plata, hierro, estaño, cobre y plomo, disueltos en mercurio... Creo que tiene más de leyenda que de técnica joyera. Y en todo caso, como os decía, hoy está prohibido para evitar ese envenenamiento.

        ¡Un saludo!

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      Jose antonio gomez de haro
      abr 25, 2024

      Solicito precios de medalla tetragranmaton y anillo tetragranmaton

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