Gold, Silver and Copper Tetragrammaton Necklace

Gold, silver and copper

Tetragrammaton in three metals: 18kt gold, sterling silver and electrolytic copper. A magical talisman that brings together in a unique jewel the main symbols of Judaism and Christianity, traveling through the ancient world, the classical age and the Middle Ages. It synthesizes the pagan substratum of the West, esotericism, alchemy, magic and the occult, Christian mysticism, the Jewish Kabbalah and Latin American spirituality. A talisman to summon them all.

Choose your version: ring only, cord or silver chain (65cm roll with ring to shorten to 60cm).

Exclusive design faithful to the original and 100% handmade. No tricks: what you see in the photo is the same treasure that you will receive at home.

MeriTomasa exclusive packaging included + International Shipments with DHL.

And if you like it but would prefer it with some changes... please tell me and we will talk about it :)

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17 Items


  • Silver ring
  • Cotton cord
  • Silver chain

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Data sheet

MaterialGold, silver and copper
Measure38mm diameter

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Tetragrammaton in gold, silver and copper: craftsmanship at The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory

I always say that I make my treasures one by one in my workshop, that they are not bought wholesale in any distant country, that my business is not to be an artist but an artisan, and that I am not an esoteric website but a handmade jewelry with own workshop and online store.. A video is worth a thousand words!

Video by Núria Oliveras

Why choose the version in three metals: gold, silver and copper? And why buy it at MeriTomasa?

No tricks or baths! If you have taken a look around the Internet, you may have found it cheaper: you may have seen tetragrammaton only in sterling silver (or lower quality silver) or made with other metals (such as stainless steel). Another trick that I recommend you consider is asking if the gold and copper are solid or have mass produced the tetragrammaton in silver and then added the copper and gold with a bath.

The main difference of my tetragrammaton with respect to the serial productions that you can find on other websites is the quality and the artisanal manufacturing. I only work with noble metals (sterling silver and 18K gold, and also with electrolytic copper). And I craftwork each piece. The result is a unique and quality treasure. Stronger and more durable:

  • The most authentic Tetragrammaton, in three metals: gold, silver and copper: gold is related to the Sun (or God) and the active energy of masculinity. Silver is related to the Moon (or Earth) and the passive energy of femininity and fertility. Copper is related to Venus, goddess of Love, and is a great conductor of heat, electricity or psychic energy.
  • The most esoteric Tetragrammaton: especially recommended for fans of esotericism or personal growth in general and of the Tetragrammaton as a talisman, amulet or channeler of energies in particular.
  • The most artisanal Tetragrammaton: I do not get the three colors through a bath but by melting the three metals in their respective sections, so I do not offer you a jewel in silver plated with gold and copper, but a solid jewel of sterling silver, 18K gold and electrolytic copper.
  • The most exclusive Tetragrammaton: If you take a look online, you will find many tetragrammaton made of a single metal (silver, steel, copper...), sometimes perhaps finished with a bath of another or other metals. The treasure that I offer you is different, unique and exclusive.

Copper oxidation notice

You should keep in mind that copper is a material that oxidizes on contact with skin, sweat or cosmetics. This implies that it can generate a greenish coloration of the skin with which it is in contact and that the electrolytic copper can be darkened by the effect of that same oxidation. It does not always happen (it depends on the reaction of the skin and the sweating of each person, or the use of certain cosmetics) but it is a characteristic to take into account.

Despite this regret, it is my favorite version of the tetragrammaton and the one I recommend the most, especially for esoteric or personal growth uses.

What does the tetragrammaton mean? The forbidden name of God and the two meanings of the tetragrammaton.

The tetragrammaton is two different things. On the one hand, the four Hebrew letters יהוה‎, which can be translated as Yahveh and are the sacred name of God that believers are forbidden to pronounce. On the other hand, the jewel/talisman that contains, among many other symbols, those four letters.

Goya TetragrammatonFrancisco de Goya: "The name of God", Tetragrammaton in triangle, detail of the fresco The Adoration of the Name of God, 1772. Design of the original tetragrammatonThe original tetragrammaton design, with the four letters of the tetragrammaton (I highlight them with the yellow circle) and a lot of other symbols...

There is not one tetragrammaton: there are two. In fact, they are two different things. On one side is the "tetragrammaton" which literally means "four letters" and refers to the four letters with which the early Jews referred to Yahweh, the God of Israel and later of the Christians. On the other hand, there is the jewel that, among many other Jewish and Christian symbols, contains those four letters that make up the name of Yahveh:

  • On the one hand, the tratragrammaton means "the four letters", which are the name of God. The four letters are יהוה‎ --yód (י), he (ה), waw (ו) and he (ה‏): Hebrew is read from right to left--, and can be translated into the Latin alphabet with the letters YHVH: in classical Hebrew the vowels are not written, and hence instead of writing "Yahveh", they write "YHVH". This is how it appears in the Torah, the Jewish Bible, which Christians call the Pentateuch since it makes up the first 5 books of the Christian Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). Out of respect for God, the ancient Jews were forbidden to pronounce his name, so instead of pronouncing the tetragrammaton they used other formulas such as "Adonai" (Lord), "Elohim" (God) and "HaShem" (The Name) or " Shem Hameforash" (The Special Name). Hence the sacred, mystical, even magical character of the name of God: the tetragrammaton was conceived by the primitive Jews as a secret name that should not be pronounced, since doing so would be an offense against Yahweh.
  • On the other hand, the tegragrammaton is a design, often in the form of a jewel/talisman, which consists of a compendium of many symbols of Judaism and Christianity, and which contains among those many symbols those four letters, יהוה‎, of which takes the name. In this sense, calling this jewel "tetragrammaton" is a synecdoche (the part is taken for the whole: the whole is called by the name of one of its parts): it contains many other symbols apart from the tegrammaton יהוה, but is popularly known by that name (among other names, since it is also called the esoteric tetragrammaton, or "esoteric pentagram" or "flaming star", "star of the magi", "pentagram" or "pentalfa"").

In short, the "tetragrammaton" are two different things: the four Hebrew letters that mean "God" (YHVW), and a particular design, often in the form of a jewel or talisman, that contains those four letters among many other symbols of Judaism and Christianity, and to which magical and protective powers are granted. Both things are related, but they are two different things.

So... why are there so many websites that confuse one thing with another? And why buy your tetragrammaton at The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory?

The Internet is full of websites that confuse the four letters of the tetragrammaton with the jewel of the tetragrammaton: they tell you the story of one thing and they sell you the other... Before they were called charlatans or snake oil salesmen. Now they are called "Amazon" but the business is the same: you buy a thousand pieces of tin jewelry that bend in the wind in China and sell them on the Internet adorning them with a thousand and one words that have been copypasted from here and there... This is not my business model at The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory.

If you have taken a look on the Internet searching for "tetragrammaton" you have surely found a lot of pages where they tell you about the meaning of the four letters יהוה and right after that they put an Amazon ad where you can buy the jewel. They confuse one thing with another... On the one hand there is the "tetragrammaton" which is the forbidden name of God and dates back to centuries before Christ. On the other hand, there is the design of the "tetragrammaton" converted into a compendium of Hebrew and Christian symbology, much later.

In many Internet pages they confuse one thing with the other... and the worst thing is that many times they do it without being aware of it, since many websites are oriented to a very particular business model that works very well on the Internet: copypaste a lot of content from here and there without knowing too much about what you are talking about, to get visits from people interested in those topics and then be able to sell them low-quality products at gold prices. Before, these types of businesses were called charlatans or snake oil salesmen. Now they are called Amazon, among many other websites, but the approach is the same: you are very talkative, even if you know little about what you are talking about, and you sell some tin jewelry bought wholesale in China at a price of gold as if they were jewelry from Author.

I have also seen it many times on so-called magic or occult websites which, in reality, are a compendium of little-worked texts and bombastic promises: if you browse through them for a while you will see that they offer you a wide catalog of magical remedies that save your life for between €2 and €30... made in China and with low-quality serial production, of course :-)

That is not my business model at The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory:

MeriTomasa: joyería personalizadaMyself, in my jewelery workshop in Manresa, holding the Fashion Revolution "I made your Jewellery" campaign poster.
  • I am neither a mage nor a priestess. I am not a specialist in Judaism, Christianity, mysticism or Kabbalah. I'm a jeweler. That's why I rarely talk about the benefits and uses of the tetragrammaton on my website. My mission is not to explain to you how and when and why of these treasures, nor do I want to convince you to use them as an amulet or talisman. If you have reached this page, perhaps you know more about the subject than I do, and according to my experience, each client expects a different use or benefit from my treasures. I don't want to make an esoteric website to sell you magical jewelry. My objective is different: to offer you top quality jewellery, both in relation to the authenticity of its design and in relation to the artisan quality of its elaboration..
  • No tricks or dips. I don't make silver-plated tin jewelry overseas that bends at a blow to sell to you like a charlatan on Amazon would, copying and pasting text here and there. Before developing my tetragrammaton proposal, I have spent a lot of time studying and designing it in order to create a jewel that is faithful to the original design and manufactured in an artisanal way, and to be able to tell you about it here in detail. I like that each jewel that comes out of my workshop honors the name of The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory.
  • What you see in the photo is the same treasure that you will receive at home. I have also bought at Amazon or on other websites and I have trusted that I would receive at home the same thing that appeared in the photo on the web... and then it turns out that this is not the case. More than once I have been disappointed to receive an item that bore little or no resemblance to the photo of the product I had purchased. That is why on my website you will always see the real photo of the jewel you are buying. At The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory I like to show off my treasures and I don't need to adorn them with any computer design, because I sell top quality handmade jewelry.

In summary, you will surely find many tetragrammatons on the Internet, on pages supposedly specialized in esoteric jewelry, or in large online markets such as Amazon. And possibly you will find it cheaper. I don't want nor can I compete with those prices or with that way of understanding e-commerce. At The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory I offer you something else: handmade jewelry with my own designs and online sales, with shipments to almost everyone and at fair prices.

What do the symbols that appear in the Tetragrammaton mean?

The tetragrammaton is a compendium of the main symbols of Judaism and Christianity, covering the ancient world, the classical age and the Middle Ages. Synthesizes the pagan substratum of the West, esotericism, alchemy, magic and occultism, Christian mysticism, Jewish Kabbalah and Latin American spirituality.

It's a bit long to tell and I don't want to make this page too long, so I'll tell you in detail on my blog: What do the symbols of the Tetragrammaton mean?

In short, it is a protection talisman that invokes a large number of symbols in a tiny space. In this sense, it is in itself a small microcosm that synthesizes in its smallness the immensity of the sacred and the universal.

Comparison of the different models of the MeriTomasa Tetragrammaton Collection

The different tetragrammatons of The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory share the same design, faithful to the original and handcrafted in my workshop. The only thing that changes is the material with which I make each piece (sterling silver, gold-plated sterling silver or 18kt gold).

In this comparison table, ordered by price, you can see the differences:




In a few words

Silver Tetragrammaton Bracelet
Silver Tetragrammaton Bracelet
Sterling silver20mm€119Tetragrammaton in the form of a bracelet, in sterling silver. Nylon bracelet with sliding knots and silver terminals.
Small Silver Tetragrammaton Necklace
Small Silver Tetragrammaton Necklace
Sterling silver20mm or 24mmFrom €119Samll or Medium Tetragrammaton in the form of a necklace, in sterling silver, with a ring to wear with any chain you already have or with a cotton cord or adjustable silver chain.
Silver Tetragrammaton Seal Ring
Silver Tetragrammaton Seal Ring
Sterling silver20mmFrom €139Tetragrammaton signet ring in sterling silver.
Silver Tetragrammaton Bracelet with Hungarian Silver Chain
Silver Tetragrammaton Bracelet with Hungarian Silver Chain
Sterling silver20mmFrom €259Tetragrammaton in the form of a bracelet, in sterling silver, with Hungarian chain also in sterling silver, including terminals and carabiner.
Silver Tetragrammaton Necklace
Silver Tetragrammaton Necklace
Sterling silver35mmFrom €129Tetragrammaton in the form of a necklace, in sterling silver, with a ring to wear with any chain you already have or with a cotton cord or adjustable silver chain.
Gold Plating Tetragrammaton Necklace

Gold Plating Tetragrammaton
Sterling silver with gold plating35mmFrom €169
Tetragrammaton in the form of a necklace, in gold-plated sterling silver, with a ring to wear with any chain you already have or with a cotton cord or adjustable plated chain.
Gold, Silver and Copper Tetragrammaton Necklace
Gold, Silver and Copper Tetragrammaton Necklace
Gold, silver and copper35mmFrom €299
Tetragrammaton in the form of a necklace, in gold, silver and copper, with a ring to wear with any chain you already have or with a cotton cord or adjustable silver chain.
Gold Tetragrammaton Necklace
Gold Tetragrammaton Necklace
18K gold35mmFrom €1.384
Tetragrammaton in the form of a necklace, in 18kt gold, with a ring to wear with any chain you already have or with an adjustable 18kt gold chain.

Frequently asked questions about the Tetragrammaton

How long does it take to make it and send it to me?

I make my Tetragrammaton on request and I don't have stock. I need between 7 and 10 days to make your Tetragrammaton and between 1 and 3 days for shipping (Spain). For international shipments, between 2 and 5 shipping days.

Are you in a hurry and need it sooner? Write me and I'll get organized to prepare it and send it to you as soon as possible..

If I don't like it, can I make a return?

No. I'm sorry, but I work out of stock and I make each of my Tetragrammatons to order, personalizing the materials according to each order you make, so I cannot offer the return option (unless there is an error in the manufacture of the jewel by part of MeriTomasa).

Do you have more information about the Tetragrammaton?

I like to find out about the treasures I create and I have written several articles about the Tetragrammaton that you may be interested in:

About The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory and my Tetragrammaton Collection

MeriTomasa: joyería personalizadaMyself, celebrating my first five years being my own boss at The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory.

I am neither a magician nor a priestess. I am not a specialist in the Jewish religion or in the Christian religion. Neither in the Bible nor in the Torah. Neither in mysticism nor in Kabbalah. Nor am I a specialist in esotericism, magic or the occult. I'm a jeweler. That's why I rarely talk about the benefits and uses of the tetragrammaton on my website. My mission is not to explain to you how and when and why of these treasures that unite religion and worldview, nor do I want to convince you to use them as an amulet or talisman. If you have reached this page, perhaps you know more about the subject than I do, and according to my experience, each client expects a different use or benefit from my treasures..

As a jeweler, my mission is to offer you top quality treasures both in relation to the metal that makes them up and in relation to the design, modeling and finishing process. That is why I adhere to campaigns such as Fashion Revolution or I presume to be accredited with the craft product badge (D’A).

My mission as a jeweler is to offer you treasures such as tetragrammaton in the form of top quality jewels, both in relation to the precious metals that make them up and in relation to the design, modeling and finishing process. And also, do it from craftsmanship and humility. I do not manufacture in series in distant countries and I do not sell wholesale: I offer you handmade jewelry with international shipments and at fair prices.

On the other hand, it is true that I am very interested in the subject of personal growth and I have taken courses on channeling positive energies, so that both from the point of view of a jeweler and from the point of view of personal growth, I have been designing and modeling for years treasures of sacred and esoteric jewelry, and I have made an effort to document its design and optimal manufacturing process. One of my best-selling treasures is the Atlantis Ring. Some of my clients have also asked me about the tetragrammaton for a long time, and finally, after much work on it, I have decided to offer it to you with an exclusive design faithful to the original sacred design.

In addition, now I have a quality certificate that makes me very happy: my first five years at The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory, the result of the trust of many clients like you. Thank you everyone!

The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory is specialized in custom made jewelry for all tastes and budgets: wedding rings, headbands, earrings, pendants, brooches, bracelets, rings, tiaras... My value proposition is to create quality jewelry, designed and manufactured by hand, with a focus on personalization. That is why I join campaigns like Fashion Revolution or I amb proud of being accredited with the craft product (D'A) distinctive, which certifies that my jewelry is of own production and they are made by hand using the processes of my trade and produced in my workshop in Manresa, kilometer zero. I offer a more intimate, romantic, exclusive and quality jewelry.

Many of the pieces that you will find on my website could be included as sacred jewelry or esoteric jewelry. It was not my first intention when I opened The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory. But I have the feeling that some of those treasures, such as the Atlantis Ring or the Chakana Collection, and now tetragrammaton, have come to me to offer me paths to grow, and I have walked those paths with all humility and giving thanks for every little challenge that the twists and turns of the road have offered me.

Like all my pieces, my Tetragrammaton Collection is designed and modeled in my workshop in Manresa (Barcelona), from personalized jewelery orders since 2006, so that you can boast of wearing a zero kilometer jewel of artisan manufacture.

And if you like it but would prefer it with some changes... please tell me and we will talk about it :)


    6 Review(s) with an average of 5 over 5

El mejor lugar para pedir tu joyería favorita

El mejor lugar para pedir tu joyería favorita. Se puede sentir el profesionalismo, el amor y la buena vibra con la que son elaborados. He pedido joyas un par de veces y siempre superan las expectativas. Simplemente muy agradecido por haber encontrado alguien tan confiable y talentosa que elabore estos tesoros 10/10✨


    Crafted with LOVE

    I ordered a Tetragrammaton pendant (copper, silver, and gold) and I am amazed at the craftsmanship and detail! You can tell this was crafted with LOVE. Order came from Spain to the USA but arrived much more quickly than expected. Highly recommend!


      Llegó y es mas hermosa de lo que pensaba!!

      Te encontre en realidad buscando informacion sobre este tema para tener un dije especial que me protegiera! Y todo me parcia feo y ademas de plata. Un amigo mio que sabe un poco de estas cuestiones me dijo que dicho eije debia tener bronce si o si y si otros metales mejor! Y fuiste la unica que encontre que los hacia asi. Ademas tan claros los simbolos! Ojala vivieras en argentina. Importar es caro pero la queria si o si.
      Besos y muchas gracias recibi mi tesoro y es eso una pieza única. Tenes que mandar tus tesoros a la historia de insta!!


        Más que perfeccionista

        Me encantó,precioso y llegó en tiempo récord ❤️ Meri es mucho más que perfeccionista en todo detalle de sus creaciones un ser de luz!!!



          Si buscan el tetragrámaton más auténtico este es sin lugar a dudas. Excelente trabajo, apenas verlo se siente el amor con que lo elaboraste Merixell.


            Mi tesoro tetragramatón

            La Meri, que es un ángel y tiene manos y don de ángel, siempre dice que sus joyas son tesoros, y dice bien porque cuándo tienes una se ve la diferencia entre las "joyas" que venden por ahí y las joyas de un buen taller de joyería artesana. A la Meri yo le he comprado ya tres veces, dos anillos Atlante y ahora este tetragramatón... y en cada ocasión he quedado todavía más contenta de haberle repetido. Que Dios te conserve esas manos, Meritxell, y sobre todo ese arte y ese duende.

              Write your review!

              Write a review

              Gold, Silver and Copper Tetragrammaton Necklace

              Gold, Silver and Copper Tetragrammaton Necklace

              Tetragrammaton in three metals: 18kt gold, sterling silver and electrolytic copper. A magical talisman that brings together in a unique jewel the main symbols of Judaism and Christianity, traveling through the ancient world, the classical age and the Middle Ages. It synthesizes the pagan substratum of the West, esotericism, alchemy, magic and the occult, Christian mysticism, the Jewish Kabbalah and Latin American spirituality. A talisman to summon them all.

              Choose your version: ring only, cord or silver chain (65cm roll with ring to shorten to 60cm).

              Exclusive design faithful to the original and 100% handmade. No tricks: what you see in the photo is the same treasure that you will receive at home.

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