Original wedding rings: 6 ideas

Original wedding rings: 6 ideas

If someday I buy an old textile factory to install The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory workshops (dreaming is free) on the frontispiece of the entrance, I will put a sign that says "Original are You." It is my favorite slogan: my goal every time an order enters the workshop is not to make a sparkling jewel. It is that this sparkling jewel is the best reflection of that self that there is only in each of you.

The goal is not that your wedding rings are original. It is that your alliances reflect your originality.

That is my added value: I offer you that your original wedding rings are a piece of you. That you, the couple, define the design. From a story that unites you, from a symbol that defines you as a couple, from the intimate happiness of being discreet, or classic, or vintage, or Celtic... or simply from an idea that gives you a spark. We specify measures, thicknesses, textures and finishes. We choose white gold, yellow gold or sterling silver... And the rest is sewing and singing :)

Tell me who you are and I will tell you how your wedding rings will be.

And, if it inspires you, here are 6 ideas to find that originality that you carry inside:

1.- Wedding rings with modern designs: for the most daring

Two wedding rings are like a blank canvas on which each couple writes their past, their present and their future. The possibilities are as endless as the imagination is endless. Designs, materials, thicknesses, sections, textures, finishes... As Archimedes said, «Give me an idea that will spark you and I will design the world» :-)

If you can imagine it, I can make it come true. Reversible wedding rings with gems and logos from the initials of the consorts, a thousand and one stripes at random or the strokes of three horses sharing destiny. They are just 3 examples of the thousand and one possibilities of modern jewelry design. And you, how would you like your wedding rings to be?

Veronica Wedding Rings
Veronica Wedding Rings

Alianzas Horses
Horses Engagement Ring

Line Wedding Rings
Line Wedding Rings

2.- Wedding rings with complementary design: you and I add 1

The approach is very simple: in standard designs both rings share the same design and therefore each ring makes sense by itself. On the other hand, in complementary designs, it is necessary to join the two wedding bands to contemplate the complete design. It's a nice metaphor for that union your alliances represent, right?

A shared design that to be complete requires the union of the two rings. It is like putting pieces of a treasure map together, like in the pirate stories of Robert Louis Stevenson. Stems that are born in an wedding ring to flourish in the consort, shared letters and stars, half snowflakes, spirals that make double spirals... or the structure of a molecule. Some examples:

Volleyball Wedding Rings
Volleyball Wedding Rings

Snowflake Wedding Rings
Snowflake Wedding Rings

Spiral Wedding Rings
Spiral Wedding Rings

Atom Wedding Rings
Atom Wedding Rings

Dandelion Flower Wedding Rings
Dandelion Flower W. Rings

Half E Wedding Rings
Half E Wedding Rings

Sidereal Wedding Rings
Sidereal Wedding Rings

3.- Wedding rings that fit one another: for couples that connect perfectly

Alliances that fit together are a variant of complementary designs: if the previous examples are complemented in a graphic sense, the fittings are complemented in a mechanical sense.

What? It is very easy: gathering outgoing and incoming symbols (swallows, stars...), or decorative elements (shot, balls ...) or metaphorical elements (like those "connect" triangles). You can even fit the entire piece, like in Eclipse wedding bands. The easiest way to count it is with some examples:

Swallows Wedding Rings
Swallows Wedding Rings

Eclipse Wedding Rings
Eclipse Wedding Rings

You are my Star Wedding Rings
You are my Star

Connection Wedding Rings
Connection Wedding Rings

More and Less Wedding Rings
More and Less Wedding Rings

Modern Alliances
Modern Alliances

4.- Other Worlds wedding rings: the originality of the authentic

An alternative to modern design wedding rings. Surely you've seen them in series like "Game of Thrones" or in movies like "The Lord of the Rings". The ideal solution if you and your partner feel linked to ancient cultural traditions like the Celts, with symbols like the Claddagh or the triqueta. Or with the legend of Atlantis. Or with mathematical symbols. Japan, China, the Wikings, pre-Columbian America, Polynesia or African cultures are my next challenges... Who is next?

Celtic Wedding Rings
Celtic Wedding Rings

Celtic Wedding Rings
Celtic Mo Anam Cara

Toroide Karnaugh Wedding Rings
Toroide Karnaugh Wedding Rings

Atlantis Wedding Rings
Atlantis Wedding Rings

Silver Atlantis Wedding Rings
Silver Atlantis Wedding Rings

5.- Discreet wedding rings: I have not been here... and you have not seen me!

There are those who cannot imagine a jewel without a heart-stopping gem and the ostentatious yellow of solid gold. To compensate the universe, God invented the discreet. A fearsome lineage: every time a discreet knock on the door of my workshop... I tremble!

The discreet people who come to my workshop have previously visited numerous jewelry stores where they asked for some normal wedding rings and they looked at them weird. They answered that for such a special occasion, the minimum is a pebble the size of a pea on a yellow gold rococo ring with red gold spirals and a white gold stir fry :O

So... lesson learned! Discretes from the world: Welcome to The MeriTomasa's Treasures Factory! Hammered texture in 18K white gold or sterling silver. Finished sandblasted on the outside and polished on the inside. An inscription inside. No shrill, of course :)

An optimal option for those looking for an elegant and low-key solution. Modern but that does not attract attention. Cool, but without posturing. Less is more!

White Gold Hammered Wedding Rings
White Gold Hammered

Hammered Wedding Rings
Hammered Wedding Rings

Binary Wedding Rings
Binary Wedding Rings

Mod Wedding Rings
Mod Wedding Rings

6.- Classic and vintage wedding rings: in the world of modern ones, nothing more original than retro.

Tired of having to be a modern by obligation? Retro is cool for you? Then surely you will be tempted by classic or vintage wedding rings.

The difference between classic wedding rings and vintage wedding rings depends more on you than on me: probably the same wedding rings will be "a classic" for an older person who remembers the fashions of years ago and "vintage" for someone younger than look for a past style to differentiate yourself from "the modern". Definition of vintage: the fashion that grandparents like and drives grandchildren crazy, and that parents would never wear. If you are a fan of "the old is in fashion", yours are vintage wedding rings.

Grandparents' rings are back. But reread and reinterpreted.

Classic Wedding Rings
Classic Wedding Rings

Vintage Wedding Rings
Vintage Wedding Rings

There are possibilities to bore. In silver, white gold or yellow gold. Modern, complementary, with lace, from other cultures, discreet or vintage. Thousand and one measures, thick, textures and finishes. But the most important thing can be summed up quickly: «Original are you» :-)

And you? Won't you be looking for who converts that me that is only in you in some wedding rings?

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    • Avatar
      nov 12, 2017

      Mi hija se casa en abril y quieren unas alianzas con las iniciales de la pareja. Se las regalamos los padres. Me ha gustado mucho la idea de los encajes: ¿podría hacerse con las iniciales? ¿Me puedes dar una orientación sobre el precio y cuánto tiempo necesitas para hacerlas si estuviéramos interesados? Nos gustaría hacerlas en oro blanco. Muchas gracias

      • Avatar
        nov 13, 2017

        Hola Marisa, ¡Por supuesto que os puedo elaborar unas alianzas con sus iniciales y que encajen entre sí! Te envío un email con precios orientativos. ¡Y muy contenta que te guste mi propuesta!

    • Avatar
      Cristina González
      nov 12, 2017

      Muy bonitos diseños Meritxell. Te descubrí ayer en la llotja de Granollers y hoy he estado curioseando tu web. Me quedé un colgante de copito de nieve. Se nota que le pones mucho cariño a todas tus joyas. Los aros son espectaculares. Te recomendaré!

      • Avatar
        nov 13, 2017

        Hola Cristina, ¡Muchas gracias por tu compra, espero que disfrutes mogollón del colgante y te acompañe en grandes momentos! También agradacerte la visita a mi web, muy muy contenta que te guste. ¡Es fantástico empezar el lunes con estas palabras!

    • Avatar
      nov 14, 2017

      hola me gustaria saber precio aproximado de las alianzas de golondrinas en oro blanco de 18kilates,gracias

      • Avatar
        nov 15, 2017

        Hola Irune, ¡Muy contenta que te gusten las alianzas que elaboro! Ya tienes un email con el presu que me pides. ¡Gracias a ti!

    • Avatar
      nov 16, 2017

      No trobo el detall de les d'adalt de tot, les de la pilota de l'esquerra de la primera imatge. M'agradaria pressupost en or groc, amb un disseny compartit també però amb una raqueta de pàdel. Gràcies!

      • Avatar
        nov 17, 2017

        Les tenia pendents de publicar al web, Marcel: fet! les pots trobar fent clic aquí. I ja t'he enviat per email un pressupost fent-les en or groc i amb raqueta de pàdel. Gràcies a tu!

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