Signing of the agreement between MeriTomasa and Cagatió

Signing of the agreement between MeriTomasa and Cagatió

Signed! As I told you in my previous post, the agreement between MeriTomasa and Cagatió has already been signed. The signing ceremony took place in Cal Tió, a secret hut located on the foot of Pedraforca, hidden between pine forests of black pine, fir, oak and hazelnut trees, and guarded by the witches who jump and dance above the gorse.

To avoid the excessive media exposure of modern times, the Cagatió has established as a condition that the act not be broadcast in streaming, or recorded on video, or photographs taken. Instead of all those technical frivolities, the only testimony of the firm is the postcard that heads this post. We can therefore say that the event was broadcast "by postcard".

During the act, the agreements between MeriTomasa and Santa Claus and between MeriTomasa and the Wise Men were also formalized. Noel, Melchior, Balthazar and Caspar do not appear on the postcard for legal reasons: they have signed succulent contracts for the transfer of image rights with posh companies with intricate clauses and millionths of consideration that have prevented it.

The agreements provide for the certification of MeriTomasa by Cagatió, Santa Claus, Gaspar, Melchor and Baltasar with the Christmas Magic Page quality seal. This certification allows you to write your letters directly to all these magical beings through my contact form. A copy comes to them (which validate if you have made merits to obtain the desired gift) and another to me (as soon as I receive the ok I get to work to send you the treasure you have requested).

After signing two separate agreements, the magical beings and MeriTomasa held a Christmas aperitif where different adapted menus were served. For example, Cagatió ate tangerine skin, walnut shells, two oak trunks and a moss dessert, all washed down with dew water.

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      Joan Carles
      dic 24, 2018

      Cada vegada que escrius "Cagatió", Pompeu Fabra es remou sota terra :) Cinc aberracions lingüístiques nadalenques

      Bons Nadals a tothom!

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        dic 26, 2018

        Gràcies pel comentari, Joan Carles. M'ho apunto per la propera! Bona nit vella i que vagin molt feliços els raïms de fi d'any!

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